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About collision encountered arbitrarily choosing ...

From: rain1
Subject: About collision encountered arbitrarily choosing ...
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 19:58:15 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.0.6

I was just thinking about the warnings you get after installing packages:

warning: collision encountered
warning: arbitrarily choosing

because there are a lot of them and they generally don't matter or cause problems I have learned to ignore them.. but I just spotted this collision today:


That's only a man page substitution but really any package can shadow any file with 50% chance (can probably make it 100% by setting up the hash to come lexically first, not sure).

A bad package could sneakily replace a core system library with, for example, insecure crypto code. So I think it is something that should be dealt with.


I had a look at past discussions on this:


one idea was a whitelist to reduce the amount of errors displayed.

I've made a list of the collisions I see on my system:

* [gnome] /share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache
* [gnome] /lib/gio/modules/giomodule.cache
* [gnome] /share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled
* [gnome] /bin/gtk-update-icon-cache # because there are 2 versions of gtk
* [python] /bin/coverage
* [python] /bin/.coverage3-wrap-01
* [python] /bin/py.test-3.4
* [python] /bin/.py.test-wrap-01
* [python] /bin/.py.test-3.4-wrap-01

A suggestion I have for helping reduce this is there could be a post install phase in gtk build system to delete those specific .cache files. There could also be a similar one in those python libraries.

Do people agree that this is a potential problem? If so I could attempt to add such an phase. Or maybe there are other solutions that would solve this better?

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