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Re: gnu-patches back log

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: Re: gnu-patches back log
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2017 13:09:50 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.18; emacs 25.1.1

Catonano <address@hidden> writes:

> Wrapping up, I think 2 interesting ideas popped up in this thread
> One is the automation of building of new packages patches

I wouldn’t know how to set this up.  Hydra isn’t powerful enough for our
*current* purposes, so I wouldn’t want to increase the load at this

> Another one is the weekly report about pending patches and merged

I’d rather not have a weekly report (I get enough email through the
various Guix mailing lists already).  The debbugs interface shows all
open patches already.  (We should get more people to use guix-patches
instead of guix-devel, though.)

Other than that I’d like to second everything Leo has written.

I agree with Pjotr that obviously it would be nice to have faster/more
reviews/mentoring.  That’s something everybody can help with, even if it
is just a matter of reviewing licenses or trying to build or run the
package.  But this all falls apart under stress (speaking from
experience here), so it’s best not to force it.


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