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Re: [PATCH 01/26] gnu: Add perl-file-pushd.

From: Alex Sassmannshausen
Subject: Re: [PATCH 01/26] gnu: Add perl-file-pushd.
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2017 14:32:59 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.18; emacs 25.1.1

Hi Ben,

Ben Woodcroft writes:

> Hi,
> On 24/03/17 18:13, Alex Sassmannshausen wrote:
>> Hi Kei,
>> Kei Kebreau writes:
>>> This series of packages builds and lints fine for me. There are over 200
>>> dependent packages that would have to be rebuilt though, and
>>> core-updates is frozen to my knowledge. We can save this for the next
>>> core-updates cycle, though!
>>> Other Guix users, please correct me if I'm wrong.
> According to the established guidelines, this should be OK for master
> since it affects <300 packages, so if all dependent packages build then
> I don't see why we shouldn't do that.

Cheers for your comments, very enlightening!  I'm afraid I'm out of my
depth making this decision here.  I'm happy to let my computer rebuild
those 200 packages to see whether the dependent packages build — but
I'm not sure how I would go about testing that.  See below for a theory…?

>> Thanks for the review!
>> What command do you use to check the number of packages that would have
>> to be rebuilt?  I'm asking, because if they are mainly perl libraries
>> then that figure of 200 really isn't that big of a deal: most perl libs
>> build super fast.
> To check the number of packages use "guix refresh -l"

Interesting… so to establish the packages to be rebuilt as a result of
my patch series, would that be:

guix refresh -l perl-scalar-list-utils perl-parse-cpan-meta      \
perl-cpan-meta-requirements perl-yaml perl-variable-magic        \
perl-time-duration-parse perl-test-warnings perl-test-simple     \
perl-test-exception perl-test-cleannamespaces perl-sub-name      \
perl-params-validate perl-package-deprecationmanager perl-moose  \
perl-module-runtime-conflicts perl-devel-partialdump             \
perl-devel-overloadinfo perl-cpan-meta-check perl-common-sense   \
perl-clone perl-class-load perl-capture-tiny perl-b-hooks-endofscope

Building the following 24 packages would ensure 248 dependent packages
are rebuilt: edirect-4.10 perl-modern-perl-1.20150127
perl-text-neattemplate-0.1101 perl-encode-detect-1.01
perl-list-someutils-0.52 perl-db-file-1.838 pam-krb5-4.7
perl-test-trailingspace-0.0300 sslh-1.18 perl-mail-spf-v2.9.0
gerbv-2.6.1 netsurf-3.6 perl-config-ini-0.025 perl-anyevent-i3-0.16
tophat-2.1.0 perl-test-class-most-0.08 gnucash-2.6.15 surfraw-2.2.9
biber-2.5 biber-next-2.6 stow-2.2.2 perl-x11-xcb-0.16 roary-3.7.0

Does this mean, that in order to test this I would now simply try to
rebuild the 24 listed packages?



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