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Re: [PATCH] git-download: Speed up 'git-predicate'.

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: [PATCH] git-download: Speed up 'git-predicate'.
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 23:44:26 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.2 (gnu/linux)


Christopher Baines <address@hidden> skribis:

> +(define (create-directory-tree files)
> +  (define (directory-lists->tree directory-lists)
> +    (map (lambda (top-level-dir)
> +           (cons top-level-dir
> +                 (directory-lists->tree
> +                  (filter-map
> +                   (lambda (directory-list)
> +                     (if (eq? (length directory-list) 1)
> +                         #f
> +                         (cdr directory-list)))
> +                   ;; Find all the directory lists under this top-level-dir
> +                   (filter
> +                    (lambda (directory-list)
> +                      (equal? (car directory-list)
> +                              top-level-dir))
> +                    directory-lists)))))
> +         (delete-duplicates
> +          (map car directory-lists))))
> +
> +  (directory-lists->tree
> +   (filter-map (lambda (path)
> +                 (let ((split-path (string-split path #\/)))
> +                   ;; If this is a file in the top of the repository?
> +                   (if (eq? (length split-path) 1)
> +                       #f
> +                       ;; drop-right to remove the filename, as it's
> +                       ;; just the directory tree that's important
> +                       (drop-right (string-split path #\/) 1))))
> +               files)))
> +
> +(define (directory-in-tree? directory whole-tree)
> +  (define directory-list-in-tree?
> +    (match-lambda*
> +      (((top-directory . rest) tree)
> +       (if (null? rest)
> +           (list? (member top-directory (map car tree)))
> +           (and=> (find (match-lambda
> +                          ((subtree-top-directory . subtree)
> +                           (equal? subtree-top-directory
> +                                   top-directory)))
> +                        tree)
> +                  (match-lambda
> +                    ((subtree-top-directory . subtree)
> +                     (directory-list-in-tree? rest subtree))))))))
> +
> +  (directory-list-in-tree? (string-split directory #\/)
> +                           whole-tree))

I tried it to fully understand what was going on.  While playing with it
I came up with a variant that is slightly more concise and clearer (at
least to me ;-)):

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(define (files->directory-tree files)
  "Return a tree of vhashes representing the directory listed in FILES, a list
like '(\"a/b\" \"b/c/d\")."
  (fold (lambda (file result)
          (let loop ((file (string-split file #\/))
                     (result result))
            (match file
              ((directory children ...)
               (match (vhash-assoc directory result)
                  (vhash-cons directory (loop children vlist-null)
                 ((_ . previous)
                  ;; XXX: 'vhash-delete' is O(n).
                  (vhash-cons directory (loop children previous)
                              (vhash-delete directory result)))))

(define (directory-in-tree? tree directory)
  "Return true if DIRECTORY, a string like \"a/b\", denotes a directory listed
in TREE."
  (let loop ((directory (string-split directory #\/))
             (tree       tree))
    (match directory
      ((head . tail)
       (match (vhash-assoc head tree)
         ((_ . sub-tree) (loop tail sub-tree))
         (#f #f))))))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

The tree is a tree of vhash, which should make lookup (i.e.,
‘directory-in-tree?’) slightly faster.  So it works like this:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
scheme@(guile-user)> (files->directory-tree '("a" "a/b" "a/b/x" "a/c" "b" 
$17 = #<vhash 2802a40 2 pairs>
scheme@(guile-user)> (directory-in-tree? $17 "a/b")
$18 = #t
scheme@(guile-user)> (directory-in-tree? $17 "a")
$19 = #t
scheme@(guile-user)> (directory-in-tree? $17 "a/b/x")
$21 = #f
scheme@(guile-user)> (directory-in-tree? $17 "a/c")
$22 = #f
scheme@(guile-user)> (directory-in-tree? $17 "b")
$23 = #t
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

WDYT?  If you like it, take it and adjust as you see fit.  We’re doing
4-hand coding like whichever fancy methodology recommends.  ;-)


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