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Re: LibreOffice Fonts

From: Tom Balzer
Subject: Re: LibreOffice Fonts
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 18:15:25 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.18; emacs 25.2.1

ng0 writes:

> I have a problem with making decision on default fonts. What if someone
> doesn't want gnu-freetype-ttf? It is not just only this font, you can use
> any font and sometimes this will depend on fc-cache -fv which is mentioned
> in the documentation.

By 'in the documentation', do you mean the documentation for how fonts
work in guix, or libreoffice's documentation? If the latter, then yes I
see that you could start libreoffice with a gtk theme definition
to control the fonts, allowing for other font choices. But in the case
where one just launched libre office, wouldn't you expect that it
'works' running out of just the package files? If you include no font
that wouldn't work, which seems like sacrificing basic functionality in
order to avoid including a font that someone might not desire.

Couldn't that argument be made for any features above bare minimum for
any application? For instance, someone might not want a support library
for emacs that enables viewing jpegs, but the default package supports
this. I think that removing a feature from a package definition if you
don't want a feature makes more sense than crippling a package with
non-sane defaults.


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