sirgazil <address@hidden> skribis:
On 20/12/17 17:32, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
Hartmut Goebel <address@hidden> skribis:
Am 19.12.2017 um 17:15 schrieb ng0:
It should be here:
This doesn't work really well to discover them, like on
a submenu page in the head menu, leading to these pages
or dedicated (non-blog, non-markdown) pages.
+1 for linking them from a more prominent page on the main website.
Blogs are like a diary, but not good for documentation an important content.
sirgazil, WDYT? :-)
Well, I think we could convert the current Blog item in the website
menu into a Media item with the following subitems:
I like it; perhaps I’d leave “Blog” as a separate menu item though.
Just like screenshots and blog posts, some talks could be highlighted
in the home page. These changes could make it easier for people to
find them, I think.
Could be nice.
We can design the new pages and update current pages so that people
browsing the summaries of posts, talks, etc. know if the full content
of a given item contains video, slides, etc.
With these changes, which I think I can start designing right now, I
think it would not be necessary to list talks and papers in the Help
section again. What do you think, Mark?
I prefer the idea of a “Media” menu, but perhaps you’re suggesting to do
both? That would be great.