Hello, Ricardo!
Yes, I've taken a look at Hydra. I think my problem is that I don't totally understand what means some pages at Hydra and how it is related to Cuirass database tables. Hydra has Projects, Jobsets for each project, Evaluations and Jobs for each Jobset. And Cuirass has Specifications, Evaluations and Derivations. Could you please clarify how these entities are related to each other? I formulate more precise questions below.
I have come up with the following list of features:
2. Add the table with status information of each job-evaluation pair like
https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/gnu/guile-2-0/#tabs-jobs. Am I right that in terms of Cuirass database derivations correspond to jobs? So, we need to display "derivations" table with derivations as rows and evaluations as columns and fill the cells using information from the "builds" table? Also, it is not clear to me how to order evaluations by their creation time like it's done in Hydra.
3. Add page displaying information about a build similar to https://hydra.nixos.org/build/74870692. Am I right that here we should display the information stored in hydra-like build description (defined in http.scm) alongside with links to the build log and outputs?
4. Add additional information about previous builds (latest successful, first broken, etc) on this build page. For this feature, we need to extend database requests functionality.
What do you think about these features? I afraid that I am not familiar with typical Hydra use cases, so I may miss some important features.
Best regards,