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Re: pam_ssh_agent_auth on a Guix System?

From: Giovanni Biscuolo
Subject: Re: pam_ssh_agent_auth on a Guix System?
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 09:46:47 +0200

Hi Felix,

Felix Lechner <> writes:


>> I'd like to execute sudo without having to set and enter a password [1]
>> and that PAM module is needed

well, the above description is misleading :-(

> You could also add a line like this to your /etc/sudoers (but I don't
> recommend it)
> user_name ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

actually I don't want to disable authentication, I'd like to:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

permit anyone who has an SSH_AUTH_SOCK that manages the private key
matching a public key in /etc/security/authorized_keys to execute sudo
without having to enter a password. Note that the ssh-agent listening to
SSH_AUTH_SOCK can either be local, or forwarded.

Unlike NOPASSWD, this still requires an authentication, it's just that
the authentication is provided by ssh-agent, and not password entry.

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

>> is someone already using such a configuration in a Guix System?
> Not quite. I added my public ssh key to root's authorized_keys. It's
> different from what you are looking for but gives you a root prompt
> with 'ssh root@localhost`.

mumble... I wonder if this works with a forwarded ssh-agent (this means
that you don't need your private ssh key on the remote host to do that

> I did it because it's required for 'guix deploy'.
> Personally, I have not used the SSH agent, but it's an interesting
> avenue. I use Kerberos instead, which is probably the gold standard
> for distributed authentication. You are doing the right thing by
> thinking about your options.

I never used kerberos (I should learn it) but if possible I'd like to
avoid to install and configure extra services; ssh is ubiquitous and
installing and configuring an ssh-agent on the client /maybe/ is easier
than a kerberos client


Thanks! Gio'

Giovanni Biscuolo

Xelera IT Infrastructures

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