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Re: How can we decrease the cognitive overhead for contributors?

From: Attila Lendvai
Subject: Re: How can we decrease the cognitive overhead for contributors?
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 09:57:26 +0000

> For this, I either go to to download the newest patches,
> in case the message is not in my inbox.

some patchsets evolve a lot, and there are countless messages where obsolete 
patche versions are intermingled with non-obsolete discussion...

> Otherwise I do not get your point: I keep untreated messages with the latest
> patch version in my Guix inbox, and file away the others in a separate mbox.
> So things are not flat, but have two levels: "to be treated" or "done".

my point is that in a PR based model/workflow things like this is done by a 
program. and each brain cycle you spend on maintaining the sanity of your local 
inbox, is not spent on hacking, and the results of your effort is not even 
mirrored into the inbox of the other contributors.

this seems like a small thing, but multiply this with every message, and every 
potential contributor and maintainer... and then consider its cumulative effect 
on the emergent order that we call the Guix community.


the reason i'm contributing to this discussion is not that i'm proposing to 
move to some specific other platform right now. it's rather to nudge the 
consensus away from the conclusion that the email based workflow is good and is 
worth sticking with.

once/if we get closer that consensus, only then should the discussion move on 
to collect our requirements and evaluate the free sw solutions that are 
available today. which again could be organized much better in a wiki than in 
email threads, but that's yet another topic...

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
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