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Re: Relaxing the restrictions for store item names

From: Fannys
Subject: Re: Relaxing the restrictions for store item names
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 10:35:22 +0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.5; emacs 28.2

Nguyễn Gia Phong <> writes:

> On 2023-08-24 at 10:16+03:00, MSavoritias wrote:
>> "(" <> writes:
>> > Eidvilas Markevičius <> writes:
>> > > with a name that contains non-Latin characters in it
>> > > (e.g., "Naršytuvas" by Raštija [2]).
>> >
>> > I think we should stick to ASCII characters in package names,
>> > since it's a bit difficult to type `guix install naršytuvas`
>> > for those who don't have keyboards with the 'š' character.
>> And some people don't have an english keyboard so its harder to type
>> english characters. Thats not a reason to exclude people in either
>> direction :)
> I think the distinction must be made here between Guix and GuixSD.
> On 2023-08-24 at 10:16+03:00, MSavoritias wrote:
>> I was not aware that its not possible to have Unicode characters
>> in store names but that is a bug to me at the very least
>> (and exclusionary of course). We should open a bug report
>> and work on fixing the bug.
> The packaging software should support full localization,
> but the distro should target the least common denominator.
> AFAIK most keyboard layouts cover ASCII alphanumerics
> but the reverse is not true.
> Inclusion goes both ways.  Imagine trying to type my name
> to fix a broken install that only boots to run level 3.

Depends what do we mean the "distro" here.
If I can pick arabic or chinese in the installation as a display
language and also I am able to use an arabic/chinese keyboard sounds
good to me.

Regarding the initial question it was about package names to my
understanding. Specifically package names in the store to use unicode
characters. Which makes perfect sense there because some packages dont
use ascii names. Regarding the broken install example, most (all?) base
packages use ASCII due to unix historical baggage. So you shouldn't need
to type anything non ASCII to fix an install with only basic packages.

Not that I would care if that changed personally. Non Ascii people have
been accomodating for a long time already. Some balance would be nice :)

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