Hi Luis,
Luis Felipe <luis.felipe.la@protonmail.com> writes:
This is a proposal to help differentiate Guix, the package manager,
from Guix System.
This sounds like a good plan.
Background: As far as I understand, Guix was supposed to be GNU's
package manager, and GNU was supposed to be the operating system: two
products with two different websites. Unfortunatelly, that didn't
happen and the Guix website became the home for two products: Guix,
the package manager, and Guix System, a distribution of the GNU
operating system. Since then, both products have been presented almost
as a single one in the website. Probably as a result of this some
people call both products by the same name (Guix),
Splitting up the website in a "guix for package management" and "guix as
a operating system" part sounds reasonable. I've reread the landing page
and to me, one of the biggest issues it currently has is, that it
vaguely describes attributes, but doesn't work well as a Guix primer for
either Guix as a package manager or Guix System as an OS.
and some other people don't understand what «Guix» is by skimming
through the home page.
This seems directly related to the landing page not being too great as a
brief introduction for Guix. If I'd be a first time visitor of the
landing page, I'd probably have questions along the realms of:
- what is Guix?
- why should I use it? what can it do for me/in my field?
- do I want to use guix as a package management/or Guix System as a OS?
On that note, I really appreciate and like how Guiles[0] landing page works
in this regard. As it is written in a pretty clear language and answers
pretty straight forward:
- What Guile is.
- What it has to offer/what potential common use cases are.
- Usage examples on how to get started.
reading it provides yet enough information to get a grasp of what Guile
is and how to use it/how to get started and what to look up next.
While writing this mail I also had a look at the mockups of potential
solutions you provided; and they do address these points in a pretty
good way, especially as it uses a clear and straight-forward language!