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Guix virtual event on Nov. 22nd, sum up and next action

From: zimoun
Subject: Guix virtual event on Nov. 22nd, sum up and next action
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2020 18:37:50 +0200


We agree to run an virtual event on Sunday, Nov. 22nd.  Right?

>From my point of view, for this first event, let’s target the Guix dev
audience –– or at least with familiarity with the Guix ecosystem –– and
let’s target a wider audience for the 2nd round, say Feb/March..

The proposal is:

 - pre-recorded videos on (technical) topics
 - videos will be available one week before the event
 - the day: run Q&A with chairman and maybe BoFs; live-stream and chat.

The next actions are:

 1. send a call for proposal
 2. where host the pre-recorded videos?
 3. which instance of BBB?

For #1, guix-devel.  Then blog post?  info-guix?
It should be done this week (target deadline Fri. 16th).  Volunteer?

For #2 and #3, I have sent emails to Amin Bandali (Emacs Conf) and
Christopher L. Webber (activityPub Conf).  Maybe they could provide
valuable information.  Well, I do not know if they are around #guix.

Any proposal about #2 or #3 is very welcome. :-)

@Andreas: could you ask if the Aquilenet’s instance could support the

All the best,

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