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Re: BBB, Fosshost and config?

From: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice
Subject: Re: BBB, Fosshost and config?
Date: Sun, 06 Dec 2020 16:36:26 +0100


Christopher Baines 写道:
I think this has always been an option,

Technically, yes.

Socially, I'm sure Fosshost considers ‘’ a form of advertisement.

Personally, I'd rather use a subdomain with ‘Graciously hosted by Fosshost’ somewhere on the front page in exchange.

it just requires tweaking the
NGinx configuration on the machine, probably some LetsEncrypt stuff, and
then setting up the DNS.

I'm not suggesting we proxy video traffic through berlin.

We'd configure a subdomain pointed at Nothing more. Anything higher-level, like adding as SAN to the instance's LE certificate, would be Fosshost's job.

I CC'd you only because I thought you were our de facto Fosshost contact. If not, I'll gladly bother them myself!

Kind regards,


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