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[bug#45889] Nextcloud Desktop (v4)

From: Raghav Gururajan
Subject: [bug#45889] Nextcloud Desktop (v4)
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2021 09:42:10 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/78.6.0

Hi Nicolò!

Why is it placed inside a new module?  It should fit nicely in sync.scm

Nextcloud is a big project. There will be other packages like server, plugins etc., which can then be added to this module. Concept is similar to linphone.scm.

.git shouldn't be needed

Updated in v5.

This hash is wrong, I get 022k7b3c30dymrjc1g3ly2cac1c34gkqnvjya6p7w2j3qw2w1dm2

Updated in v5.

Something along the line of:

(let ((preserved-3rdparty-files
                 '("QProgressIndicator" "qtlockedfile" "qtokenizer"
                   "qtsingleapplication" "kmessagewidget")))
            (with-directory-excursion "src/3rdparty"
               (lambda (directory)
                 (simple-format #t "deleting: ~A\n" directory)
                 (delete-file-recursively directory))
               (lset-difference string=?
                                (scandir ".")
                                (cons* "." ".." preserved-3rdparty-files))))

The snippet didn't work, but I added comments in v5.

This line is too long, you can use something like
("PKGCONFIG_GETVAR\\(.*") instead.

If I use this, it causes parsing error.

Other long line, maybe string-append.

Ah, I have been advised before not to break lines like this via string-append.


Added comments in v5.

It's missing a comment on why this is needed (like qttest tries to create
+    (license license:gpl2+)))

Added comments in v5.

Unbundled dependencies have different licenses
QprogressIndicator is under expat while others lgpl2.1+ if I'm not wrong

Updated in v5.

Also, I tried removing ruby and python-sphinx from the dependencies and
it did build fine, so be sure all of them are needed (or are they used
for some optional feature?).

Ruby is for patch-shebangs phase. Sphinx was looked for during configure phase, but doesn't seem to do anything, so I removed it in v5.

Thanks so much for the review. :-)


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