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bug#55868: [PATCH] gnu: r-prereg: Add TeXLive dependencies.

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: bug#55868: [PATCH] gnu: r-prereg: Add TeXLive dependencies.
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2022 17:57:27 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.10; emacs 28.1

Lars-Dominik Braun <> writes:

> Hi Ricardo,
>> > +            (texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-amsfonts texlive-lm))))
>> What’s up with this one?  texlive-updmap.cfg isn’t supposed to be
>> propagated.  Why is it used with only these two texlive-* packages?
> my understanding was that texlive-updmap.cfg is only useful for font
> packages. Why is it not supposed to be propagated? I looked at
> python-nbconvert as a reference, which does the same thing.

My mistake.  I still remember texlive-union, which built a union
directory from its inputs — that union directory and its config file
could not be composed with other files or packages.  Propagating it
would have been pointless.

This texlive-union eventually gave way to texlive-updmap.cfg, which only
creates font map files, while propagating its inputs.  The font map
files should be usable as is, and since the inputs are propagated the
texlive-base profile hook can generate them anew (together with other
installed texlive-* packages) when needed.

So I guess this is fine after all.  Sorry for the noise!

I have applied your patch.


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