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[Gzz-commits] gzz/gfx demo/irregular2.py librenderables/rende...

From: Janne V. Kujala
Subject: [Gzz-commits] gzz/gfx demo/irregular2.py librenderables/rende...
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 01:58:09 -0400

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    gzz
Changes by:     Janne V. Kujala <address@hidden>        02/09/18 01:58:08

Modified files:
        gfx/demo       : irregular2.py 
        gfx/librenderables: renderables.py 

Log message:
        Change corner perturbation directions in IrregularQuad and add paper 
height parameter; add more keys to irregu2


Index: gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py:1.10 gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py:1.11
*** gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py:1.10     Tue Sep 17 10:51:18 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py  Wed Sep 18 01:58:08 2002
*** 15,46 ****
          self.mode = 255
          self.combiners = "Enable"
          self.x1, self.y1 = 600, 450
      def initirregu(self):
-         w = 2
          self.white = getDListNocoords("Color 1 1 1")
          self.black = getDListNocoords("Color 0 0 0")
!         # Setup texgen for TEXTURE1 so that [-w,w]x[-1,1] in cs2 is mapped
!         # into [.25,75]^2 (center box of a 4x4 texture)
!         iw = .25 / w
          self.mask = getDList("""
-             #ActiveTexture TEXTURE1
-             #TexGen S EYE_PLANE %(iw)s 0 0 .5
-             #Enable TEXTURE_GEN_S
-             #TexGen T EYE_PLANE 0 .25 0 .5
-             #Enable TEXTURE_GEN_T
-             #ActiveTexture TEXTURE0
              Begin LINE_LOOP
!             Vertex -%(w)s -1
!             Vertex -%(w)s +1
!             Vertex +%(w)s +1
!             Vertex +%(w)s -1
          """ % locals())
--- 15,42 ----
          self.mode = 255
          self.combiners = "Enable"
+         self.border = 0.2
+         self.w, self.h = 2, 1.5
          self.x1, self.y1 = 600, 450
+         self.xs, self.ys = 200, 100
+         self.scale = 1
      def initirregu(self):
          self.white = getDListNocoords("Color 1 1 1")
          self.black = getDListNocoords("Color 0 0 0")
!         w = self.w
!         h = self.h
          self.mask = getDList("""
              Begin LINE_LOOP
!             Vertex -%(w)s -%(h)s
!             Vertex -%(w)s +%(h)s
!             Vertex +%(w)s +%(h)s
!             Vertex +%(w)s -%(h)s
          """ % locals())
*** 85,92 ****
          """ % (boxtex.getTexId(), tex.getTexId(), self.combiners)
!       self.iq = GZZGL.createIrregularQuad(.2, w, 0, code)
!       self.iq2 = GZZGL.createIrregularQuad(.2, w, 1, code)
      def key(self, k):
          if 0: pass
--- 81,88 ----
          """ % (boxtex.getTexId(), tex.getTexId(), self.combiners)
!       self.iq = GZZGL.createIrregularQuad(self.border, self.w, self.h, 0, 
!       self.iq2 = GZZGL.createIrregularQuad(self.border, self.w, self.h, 1, 
      def key(self, k):
          if 0: pass
*** 94,117 ****
          elif k == "Down": self.y1 += 50
          elif k == "Left": self.x1 -= 50
          elif k == "Right": self.x1 += 50
          elif k == "c":
              if self.combiners == "Enable":
                  self.combiners = "Disable"
                  self.combiners = "Enable"
          elif "1" <= k <= "9":
              self.mode ^= 1 << (int(k)-1)
!             print "mode=", self.mode
      def scene(self, vs):
        putnoc(vs, background((0.1,0.4,0.5)))
!         cs1 = vs.coords.affineCoordsys(0, "1", 10, self.x1, self.y1, 200, 0, 
0, 100)
!         cs2 = vs.coords.affineCoordsys(0, "2", 10, 600, 450, 150, 32.3, 
-14.2, 150)
          #vs.map.put(self.mask, cs2)
          if self.mode & 1:
              putnoc(vs, self.black);
--- 90,133 ----
          elif k == "Down": self.y1 += 50
          elif k == "Left": self.x1 -= 50
          elif k == "Right": self.x1 += 50
+         elif k == "x": self.xs += 50
+         elif k == "X": self.xs -= 50
+         elif k == "y": self.ys += 50
+         elif k == "Y": self.ys -= 50
+         elif k == "+": self.scale += .1
+         elif k == "-": self.scale -= .1
          elif k == "c":
              if self.combiners == "Enable":
                  self.combiners = "Disable"
                  self.combiners = "Enable"
+         elif k == "w": self.w += .1; self.initirregu()
+         elif k == "W": self.w -= .1; self.initirregu()
+         elif k == "h": self.h += .1; self.initirregu()
+         elif k == "H": self.h -= .1; self.initirregu()
+         elif k == "b": self.border += .01; self.initirregu()
+         elif k == "B": self.border -= .01; self.initirregu()
          elif "1" <= k <= "9":
              self.mode ^= 1 << (int(k)-1)
!             print "mode=", [ (".","X")[(self.mode >> i) & 1] for i in 
range(0, 9) ]
      def scene(self, vs):
        putnoc(vs, background((0.1,0.4,0.5)))
+         #putnoc(vs, getDListNocoords("Translate -1000 -1000 0\nScale 4 4 
!         cs1 = vs.coords.affineCoordsys(0, "1", 10, self.x1, self.y1, self.xs, 
0, 0, self.ys)
!         cs2 = vs.coords.affineCoordsys(0, "2", 10, 600, 450,
!                                        self.scale * 150,
!                                        self.scale * 32.3,
!                                        self.scale * -14.2,
!                                        self.scale * 150)
          #vs.map.put(self.mask, cs2)
+         if self.mode & 4:
+             vs.map.put(self.mask, cs2)
          if self.mode & 1:
              putnoc(vs, self.black);
Index: gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py:1.41 
*** gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py:1.41  Tue Sep 17 10:51:18 2002
--- gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py       Wed Sep 18 01:58:08 2002
*** 656,668 ****
      "Type" : "2",
      "Name": "IrregularQuad",
!     "Data": "float border; float cs2w; int mode; CallGLCode setup;",
      "Params" : """
!           float border, float cs2w, int mode, String setupcode
      "ParamCode" : """
              this->border = border;
              this->cs2w = cs2w;
              this->mode = mode;
              setup = CallGLCode(string(setupcode.begin(), 
--- 656,669 ----
      "Type" : "2",
      "Name": "IrregularQuad",
!     "Data": "float border; float cs2w, cs2h; int mode; CallGLCode setup;",
      "Params" : """
!           float border, float cs2w, float cs2h, int mode, String setupcode
      "ParamCode" : """
              this->border = border;
              this->cs2w = cs2w;
+             this->cs2h = cs2h;
              this->mode = mode;
              setup = CallGLCode(string(setupcode.begin(), 
*** 716,725 ****
                             {  xpix, -ypix,  ypix },
                             { -ypix, -xpix,  xpix },
                             {  ypix, -xpix,  xpix },
!                            { m * ( xpix + ypix), m * ( xpix - ypix), m * 
(-xpix + ypix) },
!                            { m * ( xpix - ypix), m * ( xpix + ypix), m * 
(-xpix - ypix) },
!                            { m * (-xpix + ypix), m * (-xpix - ypix), m * ( 
xpix + ypix) },
!                            { m * (-xpix - ypix), m * (-xpix + ypix), m * ( 
xpix - ypix) } };
          /* The distance (as a fraction of border) from the square where the 
1D texture slice is taken.
--- 717,726 ----
                             {  xpix, -ypix,  ypix },
                             { -ypix, -xpix,  xpix },
                             {  ypix, -xpix,  xpix },
!                            {  xpix,  ypix, m * ( xpix + ypix), /*m * ( xpix - 
ypix), m * (-xpix + ypix)*/ },
!                            {  xpix, -ypix, m * ( xpix - ypix), /*m * ( xpix + 
ypix), m * (-xpix - ypix)*/ },
!                            { -xpix,  ypix, m * (-xpix + ypix), /*m * (-xpix - 
ypix), m * ( xpix + ypix)*/ },
!                            { -xpix, -ypix, m * (-xpix - ypix), /*m * (-xpix + 
ypix), m * ( xpix - ypix)*/ } };
          /* The distance (as a fraction of border) from the square where the 
1D texture slice is taken.
*** 733,743 ****
          if (mode) {
              // Make the bounding box 2 pixels larger when drawing the boundary
              cs2.x = cs2.x + TWO / cs2w * cs2.x.normalize();
!             cs2.y = cs2.y + TWO * cs2.y.normalize();
          float svec[4] = { .25 / cs2w, 0, 0, .5 };
!         float tvec[4] = { 0, .25, 0, .5 };
          glTexGenfv(GL_S, GL_EYE_PLANE, svec);
          glTexGenfv(GL_T, GL_EYE_PLANE, tvec);
--- 734,744 ----
          if (mode) {
              // Make the bounding box 2 pixels larger when drawing the boundary
              cs2.x = cs2.x + TWO / cs2w * cs2.x.normalize();
!             cs2.y = cs2.y + TWO / cs2h * cs2.y.normalize();
          float svec[4] = { .25 / cs2w, 0, 0, .5 };
!         float tvec[4] = { 0, .25 / cs2h, 0, .5 };
          glTexGenfv(GL_S, GL_EYE_PLANE, svec);
          glTexGenfv(GL_T, GL_EYE_PLANE, tvec);

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