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[Gzz-commits] gzz gfx/demo/buoydev.py gfx/demo/fillets.py gfx...

From: Tuomas J. Lukka
Subject: [Gzz-commits] gzz gfx/demo/buoydev.py gfx/demo/fillets.py gfx...
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 04:37:05 -0400

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    gzz
Changes by:     Tuomas J. Lukka <address@hidden>        02/09/23 04:37:04

Modified files:
        gfx/demo       : buoydev.py fillets.py fisheye.py gldemo.py 
                         irregular2.py irregularframe.py pagespan.py 
                         paperbasis.py papertest.py psyko.py psyko2.py 
                         texturelab.py xupdf.py 
        gfx/libpaper   : papermill.py textures.py 
        gfx/librenderables: renderables.py 
        gfx/libutil    : effects.py 
        gzz/util       : dbg.py 

Log message:
        Fixes: GZZGL split


Index: gzz/gfx/demo/buoydev.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/buoydev.py:1.3 gzz/gfx/demo/buoydev.py:1.4
*** gzz/gfx/demo/buoydev.py:1.3 Wed Sep 18 06:01:26 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/buoydev.py     Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 49,59 ****
        poptrans(vs, key+"_1")
      def scene(self, vs):
-       # GZZGL.reallyClearStencilBuffer(1024, 768);
        putnoc(vs, background((0.1,0.4,0.5)))
        self.nadir = NadirAngler(800, self.nadiry[0])
!       self.text = GZZGL.createHorizText(getFont(),
            "TEXT!!", -1, -1, -0.1, 0.05, 0.05)
        ctrx = 800
--- 49,58 ----
        poptrans(vs, key+"_1")
      def scene(self, vs):
        putnoc(vs, background((0.1,0.4,0.5)))
        self.nadir = NadirAngler(800, self.nadiry[0])
!       self.text = GLRen.createHorizText(getFont(),
            "TEXT!!", -1, -1, -0.1, 0.05, 0.05)
        ctrx = 800
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/fillets.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/fillets.py:1.3 gzz/gfx/demo/fillets.py:1.4
*** gzz/gfx/demo/fillets.py:1.3 Wed Sep  4 18:06:00 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/fillets.py     Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 86,92 ****
        h = 0.21
        tc = 0.29
!       connSmooths, connSmoothMasks = [ [GZZGL.createSmoothConnector(
                        tex, tc, tex, tc,
                             -1+w, -1, 1-w, -1,
                             -1+w, -1+h, 1-w, -1+h,
--- 86,92 ----
        h = 0.21
        tc = 0.29
!       connSmooths, connSmoothMasks = [ [GLRen.createSmoothConnector(
                        tex, tc, tex, tc,
                             -1+w, -1, 1-w, -1,
                             -1+w, -1+h, 1-w, -1+h,
*** 97,103 ****
                        for texs in (connTexs, connTexMasks)]
        connSmoothHorizs, connSmoothHorizMasks = [
!               [GZZGL.createSmoothConnector(
                        tex, tc, tex, tc,
                             1, 1-w, 1, -1+w, 
                             1-h, 1-w, 1-h, -1+w, 
--- 97,103 ----
                        for texs in (connTexs, connTexMasks)]
        connSmoothHorizs, connSmoothHorizMasks = [
!               [GLRen.createSmoothConnector(
                        tex, tc, tex, tc,
                             1, 1-w, 1, -1+w, 
                             1-h, 1-w, 1-h, -1+w, 
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/fisheye.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/fisheye.py:1.20 gzz/gfx/demo/fisheye.py:1.21
*** gzz/gfx/demo/fisheye.py:1.20        Fri Sep 20 09:04:36 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/fisheye.py     Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 77,83 ****
      if showpdf:
!     pfq = GZZGL.createFisheyePaperQuad(pap, -1, -1, 1, 1, gridsize, gridsize, 
      return pfq
--- 77,83 ----
      if showpdf:
!     pfq = GLRen.createFisheyePaperQuad(pap, -1, -1, 1, 1, gridsize, gridsize, 
      return pfq
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/gldemo.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/gldemo.py:1.20 gzz/gfx/demo/gldemo.py:1.21
*** gzz/gfx/demo/gldemo.py:1.20 Mon Sep 23 03:43:42 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/gldemo.py      Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 9,15 ****
  from java.lang import System,Runnable
  import java
  from gzz.client import *
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GZZGL
  import math
  import getopt
  import gzz.util
--- 9,15 ----
  from java.lang import System,Runnable
  import java
  from gzz.client import *
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GL, GLRen
  import math
  import getopt
  import gzz.util
*** 95,101 ****
!       font = GZZGL.createFont("gfx/fonts/a010013l.pfb", 32);
      return font
--- 95,101 ----
!       font = GL.createFont("gfx/fonts/a010013l.pfb", 32);
      return font
*** 109,121 ****
  clists2 = { }
  def getDList(s):
      if not clists.has_key(s):
!       clists[s] = GZZGL.createCallListCoorded(s)
      return clists[s]
  def getDListNocoords(s):
      global w
      if not clists2.has_key(s):
!       clists2[s] = GZZGL.createCallList(s)
      return clists2[s]
  imgs = { }
--- 109,121 ----
  clists2 = { }
  def getDList(s):
      if not clists.has_key(s):
!       clists[s] = GLRen.createCallListCoorded(s)
      return clists[s]
  def getDListNocoords(s):
      global w
      if not clists2.has_key(s):
!       clists2[s] = GLRen.createCallList(s)
      return clists2[s]
  imgs = { }
*** 124,131 ****
      global w
      if not imgs.has_key(s):
        print "Load image ",s
!       imgs[s] = GZZGL.createImage(s)
!       texs[s] = GZZGL.createTexRect(imgs[s])
      return texs[s]
  if not locals().has_key("textures"):
--- 124,131 ----
      global w
      if not imgs.has_key(s):
        print "Load image ",s
!       imgs[s] = GL.createImage(s)
!       texs[s] = GL.createTexRect(imgs[s])
      return texs[s]
  if not locals().has_key("textures"):
*** 139,145 ****
  def getTexture(*args):
      key = str(args)
      if not textures.has_key(key):
!       textures[key] = GZZGL.createTexture()
        print "Generating texture: ", args
        res = textures[key].shade(*args)
        print "SHADER: ", res
--- 139,145 ----
  def getTexture(*args):
      key = str(args)
      if not textures.has_key(key):
!       textures[key] = GL.createTexture()
        print "Generating texture: ", args
        res = textures[key].shade(*args)
        print "SHADER: ", res
*** 164,170 ****
        0, x, y, xx, xy, yx, yy)
      global transpush
      if transpush == None:
!       transpush = GZZGL.createGLTransformPush1()
      vs.map.put(transpush, cs)
      transmap[key] = cs
--- 164,170 ----
        0, x, y, xx, xy, yx, yy)
      global transpush
      if transpush == None:
!       transpush = GLRen.createGLTransformPush1()
      vs.map.put(transpush, cs)
      transmap[key] = cs
*** 175,181 ****
        0, angle, x, y, 0, 0, z)
      global rotatepush
      if rotatepush == None:
!       rotatepush = GZZGL.createGLTransformRotatePush()
      vs.map.put(rotatepush, cs)
      transmap[key] = cs
--- 175,181 ----
        0, angle, x, y, 0, 0, z)
      global rotatepush
      if rotatepush == None:
!       rotatepush = GLRen.createGLTransformRotatePush()
      vs.map.put(rotatepush, cs)
      transmap[key] = cs
*** 185,191 ****
        scale, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
      global expscalepush
      if expscalepush == None:
!       expscalepush = GZZGL.createGLExpScalePush()
      vs.map.put(expscalepush, cs)
      transmap[key] = cs
--- 185,191 ----
        scale, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
      global expscalepush
      if expscalepush == None:
!       expscalepush = GLRen.createGLExpScalePush()
      vs.map.put(expscalepush, cs)
      transmap[key] = cs
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py:1.14 gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py:1.15
*** gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py:1.14     Wed Sep 18 06:01:26 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py  Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 1,5 ****
  from __future__ import nested_scopes
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GZZGL
--- 1,5 ----
  from __future__ import nested_scopes
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GL, GLRen
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/irregularframe.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/irregularframe.py:1.4 gzz/gfx/demo/irregularframe.py:1.5
*** gzz/gfx/demo/irregularframe.py:1.4  Sat Sep 21 03:35:17 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/irregularframe.py      Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 10,16 ****
  AbstractUpdateManager.defaultAnimationTime = 5000
  AbstractUpdateManager.fractCalc = AbstractUpdateManager.LinearCalculator()
! stb = GZZGL.getGLFloat("STENCIL_BITS")[0]
  print "Stencil: ",stb
  if stb < 3:
      print "No stencil bits available"
--- 10,16 ----
  AbstractUpdateManager.defaultAnimationTime = 5000
  AbstractUpdateManager.fractCalc = AbstractUpdateManager.LinearCalculator()
! stb = GL.getGLFloat("STENCIL_BITS")[0]
  print "Stencil: ",stb
  if stb < 3:
      print "No stencil bits available"
*** 22,28 ****
  def du():
      return rng.nextDouble()
! t = GZZGL.createTexture()
  t.shade(128, 128, 0, 4, "RGBA", "RGBA",
      "fnoise", ["scale", "0.05", "freq", "4", "df", "4", "bias", "0.5"])
--- 22,28 ----
  def du():
      return rng.nextDouble()
! t = GL.createTexture()
  t.shade(128, 128, 0, 4, "RGBA", "RGBA",
      "fnoise", ["scale", "0.05", "freq", "4", "df", "4", "bias", "0.5"])
*** 33,39 ****
      def __init__(self):
        self.range = range(0,5)
        self.pq = [
!           GZZGL.createPaperQuad(papermill.getPaper(seed), -1, -1.3, 1, 1.3)
                for seed in self.range
        self.depthtest = 1
--- 33,39 ----
      def __init__(self):
        self.range = range(0,5)
        self.pq = [
!           GLRen.createPaperQuad(papermill.getPaper(seed), -1, -1.3, 1, 1.3)
                for seed in self.range
        self.depthtest = 1
*** 60,70 ****
        # vs.put(coloredQuad((1,0,0)), "FOO", 500, -2, -2, vs.size.width+5, 
        if 0:
-           # w.window.setCurrent()
-           # GZZGL.reallyClearStencilBuffer(1200,900)
-           # w.window.release()
            n = vs.size.width * vs.size.height
!           buf = GZZGL.createByteVector(n)
            buf.readFromBuffer_ubytes(w.window, "FRONT", 0, 0, vs.size.width, 
            print "NZ:"
--- 60,67 ----
        # vs.put(coloredQuad((1,0,0)), "FOO", 500, -2, -2, vs.size.width+5, 
        if 0:
            n = vs.size.width * vs.size.height
!           buf = GL.createByteVector(n)
            buf.readFromBuffer_ubytes(w.window, "FRONT", 0, 0, vs.size.width, 
            print "NZ:"
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/pagespan.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/pagespan.py:1.4 gzz/gfx/demo/pagespan.py:1.5
*** gzz/gfx/demo/pagespan.py:1.4        Tue Sep 17 11:37:44 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/pagespan.py    Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 1,5 ****
  from __future__ import nested_scopes
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GZZGL,GLSpans
  import gzz
  # Assumes you have mstmpimg/ generated.
--- 1,5 ----
  from __future__ import nested_scopes
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GL,GLRen,GLSpans
  import gzz
  # Assumes you have mstmpimg/ generated.
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/paperbasis.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/paperbasis.py:1.9 gzz/gfx/demo/paperbasis.py:1.10
*** gzz/gfx/demo/paperbasis.py:1.9      Mon Sep 16 06:18:48 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/paperbasis.py  Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 2,8 ****
  from gfx.libutil import nvcode
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GZZGL,Paper,PaperMill
  import java
  from java.lang import Math
--- 2,8 ----
  from gfx.libutil import nvcode
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GL,GLRen,Paper,PaperMill
  import java
  from java.lang import Math
*** 211,217 ****
          CombinerParameterNV CONSTANT_COLOR1_NV %(r1)s
      """ % locals()
!     return GZZGL.createBasisPaperQuad(pap, -1, -1, 1, 1,
                                        constcode + tex0codes[tex0comb],
                                        constcode + tex1codes[tex1comb],
                                        constcode + isectcodes[isectcomb])
--- 211,217 ----
          CombinerParameterNV CONSTANT_COLOR1_NV %(r1)s
      """ % locals()
!     return GLRen.createBasisPaperQuad(pap, -1, -1, 1, 1,
                                        constcode + tex0codes[tex0comb],
                                        constcode + tex1codes[tex1comb],
                                        constcode + isectcodes[isectcomb])
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/papertest.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/papertest.py:1.26 gzz/gfx/demo/papertest.py:1.27
*** gzz/gfx/demo/papertest.py:1.26      Sat Sep 21 07:13:54 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/papertest.py   Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 61,71 ****
          global cmap
          x,y = 0,0
          xs,ys = 200,200
!         pixels = GZZGL.createByteVector(xs*ys*3)
          pixels.readFromBuffer_ubytes(w.window, "FRONT", x, y, xs, ys, "RGB");
          print "Read pixels"
!         cmap = GZZGL.createLABColorMap(pixels, xs * ys);
          currentScene = ColorMapScene()
      if k == "C":
--- 61,71 ----
          global cmap
          x,y = 0,0
          xs,ys = 200,200
!         pixels = GL.createByteVector(xs*ys*3)
          pixels.readFromBuffer_ubytes(w.window, "FRONT", x, y, xs, ys, "RGB");
          print "Read pixels"
!         cmap = GLRen.createLABColorMap(pixels, xs * ys);
          currentScene = ColorMapScene()
      if k == "C":
*** 90,96 ****
      pap = ThePaperMill().getPaper(seed, 
      #print "Pq: ",seed
!     return GZZGL.createPaperQuad(pap, -1, -1, 1, 1)
  class PaperScene:
      def __init__(self):
--- 90,96 ----
      pap = ThePaperMill().getPaper(seed, 
      #print "Pq: ",seed
!     return GLRen.createPaperQuad(pap, -1, -1, 1, 1)
  class PaperScene:
      def __init__(self):
*** 104,112 ****
        self.vec = (1,0,0)
-       # self.qua = GZZGL.createTexturedQuad(getTex(
-        #    
-         #   ), -0.8, -1, 0.8, 1, 0.01)
        self.renderPaper = 0
--- 104,109 ----
*** 241,247 ****
  def getText(text, x = 0, y = 0, z = 2, w = 1, h = 1):
!     return GZZGL.createHorizText(getFont(), text, x, y, z,  w,h)
  def putText(vs, cs1, text, color = None, x = 0, y = 0, z = 2, w = 1, h = 1):
      if color != None:    
--- 238,244 ----
  def getText(text, x = 0, y = 0, z = 2, w = 1, h = 1):
!     return GLRen.createHorizText(getFont(), text, x, y, z,  w,h)
  def putText(vs, cs1, text, color = None, x = 0, y = 0, z = 2, w = 1, h = 1):
      if color != None:    
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/psyko.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/psyko.py:1.7 gzz/gfx/demo/psyko.py:1.8
*** gzz/gfx/demo/psyko.py:1.7   Mon Sep  2 02:18:19 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/psyko.py       Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 94,100 ****
  def getpaper(seed):
      pap = Paper()
!     GZZGL.startContext()
      setSolidPass(pap.getPass(0), (0.1,0.1,0.2))
--- 94,100 ----
  def getpaper(seed):
      pap = Paper()
!     GL.startContext()
      setSolidPass(pap.getPass(0), (0.1,0.1,0.2))
*** 103,112 ****
      PaperMill().makePaperPass(seed+57, pap.getPass(2), .5)
      PaperMill().makePaperPass(seed+61, pap.getPass(3), .9375)
!     GZZGL.endContext()
      print "Pq: ",seed
!     return GZZGL.createPaperQuad(pap, -1, -1, 1, 1)
  def ignore(s):
--- 103,112 ----
      PaperMill().makePaperPass(seed+57, pap.getPass(2), .5)
      PaperMill().makePaperPass(seed+61, pap.getPass(3), .9375)
!     GL.endContext()
      print "Pq: ",seed
!     return GLRen.createPaperQuad(pap, -1, -1, 1, 1)
  def ignore(s):
*** 451,463 ****
  font = None
  def getText(text, x = 0, y = 0, z = 20, w = 1, h = 1):
- # GZZGL.startContext()
      global font
      if font == None:
!       font = GZZGL.createFont("gfx/fonts/a010013l.pfb", 40)
!     return GZZGL.createHorizText(font, text, x, y, z,  w,h)
! # GZZGL.endContext()
  def putText(vs, cs1, text, color = None, x = 0, y = 0, z = 20, w = 1, h = 1):
      if color != None:    
--- 451,461 ----
  font = None
  def getText(text, x = 0, y = 0, z = 20, w = 1, h = 1):
      global font
      if font == None:
!       font = GL.createFont("gfx/fonts/a010013l.pfb", 40)
!     return GLRen.createHorizText(font, text, x, y, z,  w,h)
  def putText(vs, cs1, text, color = None, x = 0, y = 0, z = 20, w = 1, h = 1):
      if color != None:    
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/psyko2.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/psyko2.py:1.5 gzz/gfx/demo/psyko2.py:1.6
*** gzz/gfx/demo/psyko2.py:1.5  Tue Sep  3 09:06:32 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/psyko2.py      Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 110,116 ****
  def getpaper(seed):
      pap = Paper()
!     GZZGL.startContext()
      passes = [ { "trans" : 0, "emboss" : 0 },
                 { "trans" : .5, "emboss" : 0 },
--- 110,116 ----
  def getpaper(seed):
      pap = Paper()
!     GL.startContext()
      passes = [ { "trans" : 0, "emboss" : 0 },
                 { "trans" : .5, "emboss" : 0 },
*** 129,138 ****
          PaperMill().makePaperPass(seeds[i], pap.getPass(i), 
                                    emboss = passes[i]["emboss"])
!     GZZGL.endContext()
      #print "Pq: ",seed
!     return GZZGL.createPaperQuad(pap, -1, -1, 1, 1)
--- 129,138 ----
          PaperMill().makePaperPass(seeds[i], pap.getPass(i), 
                                    emboss = passes[i]["emboss"])
!     GL.endContext()
      #print "Pq: ",seed
!     return GLRen.createPaperQuad(pap, -1, -1, 1, 1)
*** 429,441 ****
  font = None
  def getText(text, x = 0, y = 0, z = 20, w = 1, h = 1):
- # GZZGL.startContext()
      global font
      if font == None:
!       font = GZZGL.createFont("gfx/fonts/a010013l.pfb", 100)
!     return GZZGL.createHorizText(font, text, x, y, z,  w,h)
! # GZZGL.endContext()
  def putText(vs, cs1, text, color = None, x = 0, y = 0, z = 20, w = 1, h = 1):
      if color != None:    
--- 429,439 ----
  font = None
  def getText(text, x = 0, y = 0, z = 20, w = 1, h = 1):
      global font
      if font == None:
!       font = GL.createFont("gfx/fonts/a010013l.pfb", 100)
!     return GLRen.createHorizText(font, text, x, y, z,  w,h)
  def putText(vs, cs1, text, color = None, x = 0, y = 0, z = 20, w = 1, h = 1):
      if color != None:    
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/texturelab.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/texturelab.py:1.13 gzz/gfx/demo/texturelab.py:1.14
*** gzz/gfx/demo/texturelab.py:1.13     Tue Sep 10 05:53:15 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/texturelab.py  Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 81,87 ****
        for texname in curtex:
            if not shaded.has_key(texname):
                print "Shade: no key ",texname
!               texture = GZZGL.createTexture()
                apply(texture.shade, t[texname])
                shaded[texname] = texture
--- 81,87 ----
        for texname in curtex:
            if not shaded.has_key(texname):
                print "Shade: no key ",texname
!               texture = GL.createTexture()
                apply(texture.shade, t[texname])
                shaded[texname] = texture
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/xupdf.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/xupdf.py:1.19 gzz/gfx/demo/xupdf.py:1.20
*** gzz/gfx/demo/xupdf.py:1.19  Fri Sep 20 09:04:36 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/xupdf.py       Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 9,15 ****
  AbstractUpdateManager.defaultAnimationTime = 3000
  AbstractUpdateManager.fractCalc = AbstractUpdateManager.LinearCalculator()
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GZZGL,GLSpans,Paper
  import gzz
  from test.tools import tools
--- 9,15 ----
  AbstractUpdateManager.defaultAnimationTime = 3000
  AbstractUpdateManager.fractCalc = AbstractUpdateManager.LinearCalculator()
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GL,GLRen,GLSpans,Paper
  import gzz
  from test.tools import tools
*** 240,253 ****
                curx, ycoord, scale, 0, 0, scale)
        if onlypages == None or i in onlypages:
            if globalusefancypaper:
!               pq = GZZGL.createFisheyePaperQuad(
                    papers[i][0], *fishargs)
                vs.map.put(pq, cs1, cs2)
!               pq = GZZGL.createFisheyePaperQuad(
                    papers[i][1][3], *fishargs)
                vs.map.put(pq, cs1, cs2)
!               pq = GZZGL.createFisheyePaperQuad(
                    papers[i][1][0], *fishargs)
                vs.map.put(pq, cs1, cs2)
        curx += 1.02 *  papers[i][1][1] * scale
--- 240,253 ----
                curx, ycoord, scale, 0, 0, scale)
        if onlypages == None or i in onlypages:
            if globalusefancypaper:
!               pq = GLRen.createFisheyePaperQuad(
                    papers[i][0], *fishargs)
                vs.map.put(pq, cs1, cs2)
!               pq = GLRen.createFisheyePaperQuad(
                    papers[i][1][3], *fishargs)
                vs.map.put(pq, cs1, cs2)
!               pq = GLRen.createFisheyePaperQuad(
                    papers[i][1][0], *fishargs)
                vs.map.put(pq, cs1, cs2)
        curx += 1.02 *  papers[i][1][1] * scale
Index: gzz/gfx/libpaper/papermill.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/libpaper/papermill.py:1.27 gzz/gfx/libpaper/papermill.py:1.28
*** gzz/gfx/libpaper/papermill.py:1.27  Sat Sep 21 07:13:54 2002
--- gzz/gfx/libpaper/papermill.py       Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 3,9 ****
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GZZGL,Paper,PaperMill
  import java
  from java.lang import Math
  def initialize():
--- 3,9 ----
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GL,GLRen,Paper,PaperMill
  import java
  from java.lang import Math
  def initialize():
*** 14,25 ****
      # Discriminate between different renderers.
      # These are for debug output only.
      if dbg:
!       vendor = GZZGL.getGLString("VENDOR")
!       renderer = GZZGL.getGLString("RENDERER")
!       version = GZZGL.getGLString("VERSION")
        print "GL strings: '%s' '%s' '%s'"%(
!     extensions = GZZGL.getGLString("EXTENSIONS").split()
      # The backend files to load
      files = [
--- 14,25 ----
      # Discriminate between different renderers.
      # These are for debug output only.
      if dbg:
!       vendor = GL.getGLString("VENDOR")
!       renderer = GL.getGLString("RENDERER")
!       version = GL.getGLString("VERSION")
        print "GL strings: '%s' '%s' '%s'"%(
!     extensions = GL.getGLString("EXTENSIONS").split()
      # The backend files to load
      files = [
*** 48,54 ****
      if "GL_NV_register_combiners" in extensions:
        # We have at least a NV10, possibly better.
        # Check the number of general combiners to be sure.
!       maxcomb = GZZGL.getGLFloat("MAX_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV")[0]
        if maxcomb < 4:
            # use NV10 version
            if dbg: print "Using NV10 combiners ",maxcomb
--- 48,54 ----
      if "GL_NV_register_combiners" in extensions:
        # We have at least a NV10, possibly better.
        # Check the number of general combiners to be sure.
!       maxcomb = GL.getGLFloat("MAX_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV")[0]
        if maxcomb < 4:
            # use NV10 version
            if dbg: print "Using NV10 combiners ",maxcomb
Index: gzz/gfx/libpaper/textures.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/libpaper/textures.py:1.7 gzz/gfx/libpaper/textures.py:1.8
*** gzz/gfx/libpaper/textures.py:1.7    Thu Sep 12 11:30:04 2002
--- gzz/gfx/libpaper/textures.py        Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 16,22 ****
  class NamedTexture:
      def __init__(self, name, args):
        print "Generating texture: ",name, args
!         self.texture = GZZGL.createTexture()
        res = self.texture.shade(*args)
          self.name = name
        print "SHADER: ", res, self.texture.getTexId()
--- 16,22 ----
  class NamedTexture:
      def __init__(self, name, args):
        print "Generating texture: ",name, args
!         self.texture = GL.createTexture()
        res = self.texture.shade(*args)
          self.name = name
        print "SHADER: ", res, self.texture.getTexId()
Index: gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py:1.59 
*** gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py:1.59  Mon Sep 23 04:24:25 2002
--- gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py       Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 1071,1077 ****
      cls += ("static private native int "+createImpl+"(\n"
        + string.join([ idintParam(p) for p in params ], ",")+");\n\n");
!     jni += ("\n\nJNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_gzz_gfx_gl_GZZGL_"
        + createImpl+"(JNIEnv *env, jclass"
        + string.join([", "+jniparam(p) for p in params])
--- 1071,1077 ----
      cls += ("static private native int "+createImpl+"(\n"
        + string.join([ idintParam(p) for p in params ], ",")+");\n\n");
!     jni += ("\n\nJNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_gzz_gfx_gl_GLRen_"
        + createImpl+"(JNIEnv *env, jclass"
        + string.join([", "+jniparam(p) for p in params])
Index: gzz/gfx/libutil/effects.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/libutil/effects.py:1.3 gzz/gfx/libutil/effects.py:1.4
*** gzz/gfx/libutil/effects.py:1.3      Thu Sep 19 03:15:21 2002
--- gzz/gfx/libutil/effects.py  Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 7,13 ****
  class NadirCircleFloater(Buoy3Floater):
      def __init__(self, vs, center, radius, p, nadir):
        self.vs, self.c, self.r, self.p, self.nadir = vs, center, radius, p, 
!       self.linecon = GZZGL.createLineConnector(0, 0)
      def addBuoy(self, anchorX, anchorY, importance, key, buoy, w, h):
        size = importance
--- 7,13 ----
  class NadirCircleFloater(Buoy3Floater):
      def __init__(self, vs, center, radius, p, nadir):
        self.vs, self.c, self.r, self.p, self.nadir = vs, center, radius, p, 
!       self.linecon = GLRen.createLineConnector(0, 0)
      def addBuoy(self, anchorX, anchorY, importance, key, buoy, w, h):
        size = importance
*** 105,111 ****
  class IrreguFrame:
!     tex = GZZGL.createTexture()
      tex.shade(128, 128, 0, 4, "RGBA", "RGBA",
              "sawnoise", ["bias", "0.5",
                           "scale", "0.15", "freq", "1", "df", "2", 
--- 105,111 ----
  class IrreguFrame:
!     tex = GL.createTexture()
      tex.shade(128, 128, 0, 4, "RGBA", "RGBA",
              "sawnoise", ["bias", "0.5",
                           "scale", "0.15", "freq", "1", "df", "2", 
*** 113,119 ****
      #                       "scale", "0.2", "freq", "1", "df", "2", 
      #                       "scale2", "0.05", "freq2", "12", "df2", "1.5"])
!     boxtex = GZZGL.createTexture()
      combiners = "Enable"
--- 113,119 ----
      #                       "scale", "0.2", "freq", "1", "df", "2", 
      #                       "scale2", "0.05", "freq2", "12", "df2", "1.5"])
!     boxtex = GL.createTexture()
      combiners = "Enable"
*** 163,168 ****
!       self.content = GZZGL.createIrregularQuad(border, w, h, ripple, 0, code)
!       self.frame = GZZGL.createIrregularQuad(border, w, h, ripple, 1, code)
--- 163,168 ----
!       self.content = GLRen.createIrregularQuad(border, w, h, ripple, 0, code)
!       self.frame = GLRen.createIrregularQuad(border, w, h, ripple, 1, code)
Index: gzz/gzz/util/dbg.py
diff -c gzz/gzz/util/dbg.py:1.3 gzz/gzz/util/dbg.py:1.4
*** gzz/gzz/util/dbg.py:1.3     Wed Sep  4 14:42:31 2002
--- gzz/gzz/util/dbg.py Mon Sep 23 04:37:04 2002
*** 9,15 ****
  # gzz imports
  import gzz
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GZZGL
  debugger = gzz.util.Dbg()
--- 9,15 ----
  # gzz imports
  import gzz
! from gzz.gfx.gl import GL, GLRen
  debugger = gzz.util.Dbg()
*** 23,31 ****
      if o in ("-d", "--dbg"):
          debugger.debugClass(a, 1)
      elif o in ("-G", "--gldbg"):
!         GZZGL.loadLib()
          print "Setting GL debug ",a
!         GZZGL.setDebugVar(a, 1)
      elif o in ("-D",):
          m = re.match('^(.*)=(.*)$', a)
          assert m
--- 23,31 ----
      if o in ("-d", "--dbg"):
          debugger.debugClass(a, 1)
      elif o in ("-G", "--gldbg"):
!         GL.loadLib()
          print "Setting GL debug ",a
!         GL.setDebugVar(a, 1)
      elif o in ("-D",):
          m = re.match('^(.*)=(.*)$', a)
          assert m

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