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[Gzz-commits] gzz TODO

From: Tuomas J. Lukka
Subject: [Gzz-commits] gzz TODO
Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2002 12:42:32 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    gzz
Changes by:     Tuomas J. Lukka <address@hidden>        02/11/01 12:42:32

Modified files:
        .              : TODO 

Log message:
        Move stuff to next release - we have to start getting alpha4 out


Index: gzz/TODO
diff -u gzz/TODO:1.346 gzz/TODO:1.347
--- gzz/TODO:1.346      Fri Nov  1 05:49:58 2002
+++ gzz/TODO    Fri Nov  1 12:42:32 2002
@@ -37,40 +37,15 @@
          file is not zero-length though. Proper framework:
          get pdf and ps file size.
            - sane exception if ../mstmpimg isn't found
-       - complete empty test bodies in test/gzz/vob/textvob.test
        - automatically act on CVS commits
            - report on #gzz
                - show message before files, not after
                    - maybe file list on a second row?
            - run tests (and report if introduces failures)
            - build docs in himalia
-       - make sure "make pegs" works right - currently libraries
-         don't load properly by C-python (need to put stuff in depends.
-         Make sure a plain 2.1 installation works.)
-       + see (with ibid and buildbot) how we could run all tests nightly
-         on 
-           - pure software Mesa
-           - G400
-           - ATI 7500
-           - GeForce3
-           - GeForce4Ti
-           - GeForce2
-               -- others??
-         Note that only the tests in gzz/vob, gzz/view and gzz/gfx
-         are affected by the cards for now.
-         Also, make it possible to trigger these tests by daytime
-         (e.g. after having changed something relevant)
-       + benchmarking framework: running benchmarks on different machines
-         and different VMs automatically as well, reporting
-         results graphically on web. Need to see when there
-         are important changes to speed, what caused them
-         etc.
-       + speed up tests: currently too much execfile().. could
-         pre-compile and exec compiled in the same globals().
        - fix testRenderScene
-       - clean, rename and document Makefile targets 
        - release engineering 
            - list main changes 
                - cvs diff... concentrating on major APIs
@@ -79,9 +54,6 @@
                - suggest a list of things that should be
                  tested when releasing.
        - when a gl window is closed, call Binder.windowClosed()
-       - propagate expose events correctly 
-       - xupdf / xubuoy
-           - review code, suggest cleanups and improvements
        - PP [deadline 5.11]
            - calendar "paper"
@@ -106,6 +78,14 @@
        - porting: make sure all demos etc. work with plain mesa
        - script to generate index for pegboard
+       - make sure "make pegs" works right - currently libraries
+         don't load properly by C-python (need to put stuff in depends.
+         Make sure a plain 2.1 installation works.)
+       - autogenerate the pegboard page from
+         a .rst file and the .rst files of the pegs - currently
+         we need to change several locations.
+         Note the colors in the table: they're very useful (depends
+         only on status).
        + convert older pegs into current format
        - more about PEG1018 - generalizing VobVanishingClient
         - rethink interfaces between PlainVanishing and VobScene
@@ -121,18 +101,7 @@
            - (tjl): probably stack overflow due to large
              temporary array on stack?
-       + fix the way nonlinearity of coordsys is handled.
-         Needs a slightly better approach, with also 
-         direction of nonlinearity taken into account.
-         If we can save a lot of dicing by thinking a little
-         more, we probably should.
-         Need to have alternative algorithms (fast/good) though, for 
-         different cases.
-       + failing test to detect utf8 string non-null end bug found by Benja
-       + implement Paper TexGenEmboss::setUp_explicit
        + new PEG for bubbleview, with some sketches
-       + better algorithm for CullingCoordSys. Uses now parallel
-          bounding boxes. Fast, but not very efficient.
        - PP [deadline 5.11]
            - help mudyc with String[] to renderable passing
@@ -193,14 +162,8 @@
        + clean GzzGL-jni
        + complete "Gzz technologies" white paper
-       - fix failing AWT tests
        - tests for PEG 1021
        - implement PEG 1021 for AWT
-       - autogenerate the pegboard page from
-         a .rst file and the .rst files of the pegs - currently
-         we need to change several locations.
-         Note the colors in the table: they're very useful (depends
-         only on status).
        + implement PEG 1012
        + implement PEG 1015
        - test/ using pagespanview.ContentView as a CellContentView;
@@ -212,9 +175,6 @@
        + implement PEG 1007
            - javadoc gzz.vob.Vob* interfaces TOTALLY, including semantics of
              coordinate systems!
-       + move *DebugVar* from GL into a new class, same on JNI side. (cleanup)
-       + proper icons and names for the windows, both AWT and GL
-       + Synch!!!
        - unit tests that check that Gzz.py really starts
          the client.
          FOR BOTH AWT AND GL.
@@ -229,26 +189,11 @@
            - clean up OpenGL demos and views and document, list
              so easy to look at.
        - fix fillet demo last two screens
-       + make GLVobCoorder's all coordsys types
-         work like affineCoordsys and setAffineParams, so
-         that we can set the params from outside easier.
-       + Gzz.py client
-            + reload button  (key to reload jython code! All views (e.g. 
-             xubuoy))
-       + fillet implementation handling all connections from a node
-         simultaneously.
-       + filleting en edge as a coordinate trasformation
-       + redesign mosaics to save memory and allow more internal
-         formats + at the same time, mipmapping improvements
        + fix .cvsignore files so that no files in cvs are deleted
          with "make clean" (try "cvs update; make clean; cvs update")
-       + implement getCachedTexture in gzz/gfx/gl/GLCache.java
-         (current implementation is in gfx/libpaper/texcache.py)
-       + for Documentation/TechReports/GzzTech, figure out how we can
-         use our bibtex file (in Documentation/Manuscripts) for citations.
-       - cleanup: remove x, y, z from HorizText: unnecessary now.
-         same for other coord-like things in renderables.
-       + coordsys interpolation: clicks to interpolated coordsys
+       - figure out what material can be used to show xupdf when those pdf 
+         are not available!!! Use some of our own?
 0.8alpha5: saving, loading etc. with mediaserver useful; tests
@@ -275,11 +220,51 @@
         + the containment mechanism
             + Ted's bindings for it
+       - propagate expose events correctly 
+       - xupdf / xubuoy
+           - review code, suggest cleanups and improvements
        - document our UML software (metacode/uml*,
          used by doc/uml/*)
+    tuukkah+vegai:
+       + see (with ibid and buildbot) how we could run all tests nightly
+         on 
+           - pure software Mesa
+           - G400
+           - ATI 7500
+           - GeForce3
+           - GeForce4Ti
+           - GeForce2
+               -- others??
+         Note that only the tests in gzz/vob, gzz/view and gzz/gfx
+         are affected by the cards for now.
+         Also, make it possible to trigger these tests by daytime
+         (e.g. after having changed something relevant)
+       + benchmarking framework: running benchmarks on different machines
+         and different VMs automatically as well, reporting
+         results graphically on web. Need to see when there
+         are important changes to speed, what caused them
+         etc.
+       + speed up tests: currently too much execfile().. could
+         pre-compile and exec compiled in the same globals().
+    humppake:
+       + fix the way nonlinearity of coordsys is handled.
+         Needs a slightly better approach, with also 
+         direction of nonlinearity taken into account.
+         If we can save a lot of dicing by thinking a little
+         more, we probably should.
+         Need to have alternative algorithms (fast/good) though, for 
+         different cases.
+       + failing test to detect utf8 string non-null end bug found by Benja
+       + implement Paper TexGenEmboss::setUp_explicit
+       + better algorithm for CullingCoordSys. Uses now parallel
+          bounding boxes. Fast, but not very efficient.
        - shape transformation & dicing framework
+       - make GLVobCoorder's all coordsys types
+         work like affineCoordsys and setAffineParams, so
+         that we can set the params from outside easier.
+       - complete empty test bodies in test/gzz/vob/textvob.test
        - IndexManager xuindexer semantics: fix behaviour of 
        - TOTAL UML documentation for all classes involved in
@@ -307,6 +292,25 @@
          by 2. However, this is not necessarily possible in general, 
          definitely not when magnifying (textures clamped to 1.0).
          Maybe rerendering each mipmap level by freetype?
+       + redesign mosaics to save memory and allow more internal
+         formats + at the same time, mipmapping improvements
+       + implement getCachedTexture in gzz/gfx/gl/GLCache.java
+         (current implementation is in gfx/libpaper/texcache.py)
+       + for Documentation/TechReports/GzzTech, figure out how we can
+         use our bibtex file (in Documentation/Manuscripts) for citations.
+       - cleanup: remove x, y, z from HorizText: unnecessary now.
+         same for other coord-like things in renderables.
+       + coordsys interpolation: clicks to interpolated coordsys
+       + Gzz.py client
+            + reload button  (key to reload jython code! All views (e.g. 
+             xubuoy))
+       + fillet implementation handling all connections from a node
+         simultaneously.
+       + Synch!!!
+       + move *DebugVar* from GL into a new class, same on JNI side. (cleanup)
+       + proper icons and names for the windows, both AWT and GL
 0.8alpha6: Another doc round

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