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Re: [Gzz] PEG coding_standard--vegai: Coding Standard (revised)

From: Tuomas Lukka
Subject: Re: [Gzz] PEG coding_standard--vegai: Coding Standard (revised)
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 08:44:48 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 04:58:44AM +0200, Vesa Kaihlavirta wrote:
> Changes
> =======
> These apply to all \*.py (and possibly \*.test).
> 1. Header comments should include full module name of the file (eg.
>    gzz/modules/pp/demotest.py would have gzz.modules.pp.demotest).

Would be nice to have a rationale for this; without it may seem arbitrary. 

> 2. Header comments should include authors.
> 3. After header comments, rcsid:
>    rcsid = "$Id: peg.rst,v 1.12 2003/02/04 18:46:12 Vegai Exp $"

Wasn't an issue resolved differently?

> 4. After rcsid, the imports (unless there's a good reason to delay
>    importing).
>    - Prefer "import foo" to "from foo import bar".
>    - Prefer "from foo import bar" to "from foo import \*".
>    - No more than one import package in one line, except when importing gzz
>      and java::
>         import os, sys   # Preferably no.
>         import os        # Yes.
>         import sys
>         import gzz, java # Yes.

Exceptions: importing from current package, i.e.
in gzz/view/buoy/buoymanager.py,
from gzz.view.buoy import * 
should be ok

> 5. Imports should be grouped in the following order:
>    - standard python imports
>    - 3rd party python imports
>    - java imports
>    - gzz imports
>    * imports should be in alphabetical order in the groups

alphabetical? Why in the world?

> 10. Tab-size is 8 (will be converted to spaces by make committable), 
> indentation
>     at 4 spaces.
> 11. Never use tabs.

Like mudyc said, this could probably be expressed better.

> Notes
> =====
> - items 8-12 are arbitrary choices for the sake of consistency

Not really; e.g. tab-size 8 is a standard in unix, and indenting
4 stops is because 8 becomes easily too much to remain within 80 chars.


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