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Re: Invisible contents of a variable array?

From: Greg Wooledge
Subject: Re: Invisible contents of a variable array?
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 21:19:30 -0500

On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 08:54:47PM -0500, Roger wrote:
> I have a list of files and folders assigned to variable _files[] array.
> For calculating the total size of a list of files and folders, I am using du 
> with _files[@], I then get a division by zero warning.
> du --bytes --total "${_files[@]}" | tail --lines=1 | cut --fields=1
> du: invalid zero-length file name
> Printing the contents of the variable _files[@] array only obviously prints 
> visible files/folders.

You're gonna need to show us how you populated the array, and what's
actually in the array (declare -p _files).

unicorn:~$ du --bytes --total ""
du: invalid zero-length file name
0       total

It's pretty obvious you've got an empty string in the array, but without
showing us how you populated it, we can't help you much.

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