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Re: improving yysyntax_error()

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: improving yysyntax_error()
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 20:18:25 +0200

It happened on 21 Jun 2007, at 16:43, that Christian Schoenebeck wrote:

Es geschah am Thursday, 21. June 2007 16:08 als Hans Aberg schrieb:
No, in this model, the lexer matches patterns as usual, only when the
match has been made, returns the multibyte character byte by byte.
Doesn't make a difference. The problem for the UTF-8 part is still  
the same,
no matter if you implement the non-UTF-8 part with an external  
lexer or not.
I do not see there is any problem: the lexer returns a sequence of  
bytes, which the parser identifies, a capability it alreday has, so  
one adds some syntactic sugar for it.
For supporting UTF-8 characters, you could
define "atomic" grammar rules, like:

UTF8_CAPITAL_PI : '\316' '\240' ;

UTF8_CAPITAL_OMEGA : '\316' '\231' ;

and use the suggested new declaration keyword "%atomic" like:


to tell bison the right hand side of those UTF-8 character rules
(that is
their byte sequene) is too trivial / unteresting to be shown in
errors and
yysyntax_error() would i.e return:

"syntax error, unexpected 'UTF8_CAPITAL_OMEGA', expecting

instead of:

"syntax error, unexpected '\231', expecting '\240"

The latter would be completely useless and confusing for regular
The stuff above isn't needed, except for the generation of error
messages. So how do you intend to implement your %atomic construct?
With "The stuff above" you probably just mean the "%atomic" line.
How should %atomic be implemented?

The rest
would be needed for implementing UTF-8 support.
No, as sequences of bytes can be put directly into the rules.

And yes, for now it would
just be useful for better error and debug messages.
So here I want to know how it should be implemented.

Another future
application would be integrated type completion support within the bison
skeleton parser.
I cannot parse this. Please elaborate.

  Hans Aberg

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