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editfiles question

From: Sven Mueller
Subject: editfiles question
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 13:22:55 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803)


From the documentation, I am not certain how to achieve the following task. Let's say I want to edit /etc/passwd (actually I am editing a similarly formated, but different file), and I want the following to be achieved:
- I want the file to be created if it doesn't exist (AutoCreate takes
  care of this)
- I want a line "root:..1234567890123:0:0::/bin/bash" be added to the
  file if it doesn't exist, overwriting any root:.* lines that might

I guess that I need to use ReplaceLinesMatchingField "1" somewhere, but how exactly do I use it?
I know the example in, 
but I don't want to use a temporary file (for several reasons) and it 
seems to me that the example there _always_ edits the file, which I 
specifically want to avoid (because I want to define a class only if the 
file was actually changed).
If it isn't possible to avoid that editing on every run of cfagent, I 
would suggest introducing some sort of "ReplaceAppendMatchingField" 
function to allow just that: Replace existing lines matching the given 
Field, appending the current line if no match was found, to be used like 
SetLine "root:..1234567890123:0:0::/bin/bash"
ReplaceAppendMatchingField 1

That would (in my opinion at least) be far more readable and easier to maintain than what my guess would currently be:
{ /etc/passwd
AppendIfNoLineMatching "root:.*" "root:..1234567890123:0:0::/bin/bash"
SetLine "root:..1234567890123:0:0::/bin/bash"
ReplaceLinesMatchingField 1
DefineClasses "passwd_edited"

Though the question remains: Would the above lines work correctly? And
would "passwd_edited" _only_ be defined if the file was actually changed? I'm not really certain how I should test this, otherwise I wouldn't ask.

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