I am iterating through a list of hosts using copy, grabbing the same
directory from each of them.
The strage part is that is only does the first one, and skipps the rest
with the following:
cfengine:web-prdnfs3: Strong authentication of server=sunburn connection
cfengine:web-prdnfs3: Nothing scheduled for
copy._export_repository___hosts_repository (0/1 minutes elapsed)
That seems to be in locks.c, and I am wondering if it is related to the
key and it is not repeating the command because of this. It may be becasue
as I develop and test, I am not waiting very long between runs, and it may
think it is not time to do it again.
If so, how do I disable this functionality?
Or do I have some other problem?
the command as it stands:
$(repo) dest=/hosts/repository/ recurse=inf server=$(copy_hosts)
backup=false encrypt=true force=true
$repo = ( /export/repo )
$copy_hosts = ( sunburn:rimmer )
Russell Conner
Systems Engineer, VMS & Unix Systems
Health Net, Inc.
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