After troubleshooting it some more, I determined that the problem occurred due
to a corrupted cfservd ChecksumDatabase. The backtrace from the 2.1.14 version
#0 0x40045d95 in __bam_split () from
#1 0x4003a719 in __bam_c_put () from
#2 0x400827c3 in __db_c_put () from
#3 0x4007cfb4 in __db_put () from
#4 0x40088704 in __db_put_pp () from
#5 0x080723e8 in ChecksumChanged (filename=0x441fc91c "/SOMEFILE",
digest=0x441fd91c "»-½ï{buåÏEì?÷2% ", warnlevel=2, refresh=1, type=109 'm')
at misc.c:384
#6 0x0804fbe5 in CompareLocalChecksum (conn=0x4097c580, sendbuffer=0x442029ac
recvbuffer=0x442039ac "MD5 /SOMEFILE") at cfservd.c:2858
#7 0x0804d0b0 in BusyWithConnection (conn=0x4097c580) at cfservd.c:1486
#8 0x0804c559 in HandleConnection (conn=0x4097c580) at cfservd.c:1135
#9 0x400edc6f in pthread_start_thread (arg=0x44204be0) at manager.c:279
Removing the checksumdatabase file resolved the problem. Is there any way to
modify CFE to be insulated from dbm corruption?
Thank you,
-Jason Martin