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Re: tool-bar

From: Ian Kelling
Subject: Re: tool-bar
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2023 22:53:13 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.3; emacs 30.0.50


Your email went to the wrong location, to the mailing list which
discusses . To respond to a bug, you need to keep the
bug number in the subject intact. You sent another message today which
looks like it also had its subject modified "bug#67528: tool-bar" and it
ended up here too.

Konrad Podczeck <> writes:

> In nsterm.m, deleting the lines of code
> #ifdef NS_IMPL_COCOA
>   if (! send_appdefined)
>     {
>     /* OS X 10.10.1 swallows the AppDefined event we are sending ourselves
>          in certain situations (rapid incoming events).
>          So check if we have one, if not add one.  */
>       NSEvent *appev = [NSApp 
> nextEventMatchingMask:NSEventMaskApplicationDefined
>                                           untilDate:[NSDate distantPast]
>                                              inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
>                                             dequeue:NO];
>       if (! appev) send_appdefined = YES;
>     }
> #endif
> as done in commit 6acb3c5b05a7b9fb32a5336e1bb740f527571ae9 on 23-09-11, seems 
> to be incompatible with macos Sonoma or Monterey. In both versions, and with 
> both an M1 processor and an Intel one, I got the following problem, with 
> these lines of code removed. I have pdf-tools installed, and via the code in 
> windows.el, I have both the pdf output and some latex source code to appear 
> in their own frames. I also have a managed to have a tool-bar in the frame 
> showing the pdf-outout, with an icon for going from one page to the next. Now 
> if I repeatedly click with the mouse on this icon very fast, then, after 3 to 
> 5 clicks, the whole begins to hang. This is not so with the above 
> lines of code still present in nsterm.m.

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