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[Fwd: MathProg set vs param]

From: Andrew Makhorin
Subject: [Fwd: MathProg set vs param]
Date: Sun, 28 May 2023 03:17:52 +0300

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Code Raguet <>
Subject: MathProg set vs param
Date: Sat, 27 May 2023 19:51:01 -0300

> Hi, there!
> I'm new to MathProg (and LP) but I have several years as a software
> developer.
> I would like to understand the semantic differences between set and
> param.
> When reading the doc and looking at examples, I understand that the
> set statement is for sets, arrays, vectors, (n-tuples) and simple
> symbolic elements. On the other hand, param statement is for simple
> scalar values or values of a set (usually indexed).
> My issues are about the semantics and rationale behind these
> statements.
> Why are two different statements for doing quite similar (in my
> understanding) purpose?
> I mean, both declare data structures (and initialize in the data
> section).
> Aren't sets kind of a param after all?
> for ex.:
> Imagine declaring an array of simple elements:
> set S := {'A', 'B'};
> param P{i in {'A', 'B'}};
> How are these statements different?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ignacio.

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