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[Fwd: GLPK CMake build configuration (Windows)]

From: Andrew Makhorin
Subject: [Fwd: GLPK CMake build configuration (Windows)]
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 15:56:43 +0300

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Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 00:30:37 -0500
Subject: GLPK CMake build configuration (Windows)
From: Derek Huang <>

My name is Derek Huang; I am currently a quant [developer] at TD Securities. I needed to use GLPK at work on Windows but found the NMake Makefiles not sufficient for my purpose as I wanted the following:

1. Ability to link against C runtime statically or dynamically
2. Build more of the example programs (except netgen, got error saying glp_netgen disabled for licensing reasons)
3. Provide installation rule for Windows distinguishing debug/release config + C runtime linking
4. Build PE32 (32-bit) or PE32+ (64-bit) on Windows from the same Developer Command Prompt

CMake makes this relatively straightforward to do so I spent some time at home today in the evening to write a CMakeLists.txt (attached). I am not sure what is the best way to make contributions upstream, hence why I have attached it to the email. It contains explanations on a few ways one can build, run tests, and install using CMake, and I have verified all example programs run properly for 32-bit and 64-bit Debug + Release static and dynamic builds. The CMake generator (underlying build tool) used is Visual Studio 2022. Unfortunately, however, I have not yet added any formal documentation outside of the CMakeLists.txt.

Please let me know if this could be accepted as part of the GLPK source base as an alternative method to build on Windows and if so, if there are any specific steps I should take to introduce it to the source tree. Thank you.


Attachment: CMakeLists.txt
Description: Text document

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