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Re: [External] : Q1 - the keys' bindings to work more widely

From: Tatsu Takamaro
Subject: Re: [External] : Q1 - the keys' bindings to work more widely
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 08:41:36 +0300
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This one works:

   *:keymap '(keymap (?a . kill-ring-save)))*

But I'm not sure why. I wrote the page you gave, and another one ( but I don't completely understand the meaning of sign ? before "a". It seems, this is to indicate a key(s) as an event, but I can't find the explaination of all such signs neither in the web nor in the official docs. Another sign of that kind is a backslash and as I got it should be in front on a modifier key. *But why? *You know it's always difficult to search the web by a one-digit symbol.

But yes, I managed to do what I wanted with this

   *(?\C-c . kill-ring-save)**
   **(?\C-a . mark-whole-buffer)*

and so on. Thank you!

Many problems of this kind are from not knowing Elisp. ^_^

вт, 17.12.2024 5:17, Drew Adams пишет:
This is a keymap: '(keymap ("a" . #'kill-ring-save)))
It satisfies `keymapp', at least. ;-)  But unfortunately,
`keymapp' doesn't guarantee a keymap.  The Elisp manual
says it allows any list whose car is `keymap':

  More precisely, this function tests for a list whose CAR is
  ‘keymap’, or for a symbol whose function definition satisfies

Do you mean this:

(define-minor-mode ttkeys-mode "Normal key bindings"
:init-value 1 :lighter " TT" :global 1
:keymap '(keymap ("a" . #'kill-ring-save)))

Doesn't work either.
Try this:

:keymap '(keymap (?a . kill-ring-save)))

or this:

:keymap '(keymap (97 . kill-ring-save)))

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