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[Help-gnucap] Hello everybody

From: Leandro Marsó
Subject: [Help-gnucap] Hello everybody
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 13:30:16 -0300

This is my first mail to the list, so I want to say hello everybody
and thank you Al for this software.
I am doing my best to do my simulations with gnucap becouse it is free
software, but yet I can't make it work as I want.
Before I used gnucap I never used any "spice like" program to do my
simulations, so that's why I'm having trouble with this.

Now, I want to do a simulation on a cmos inverter, but I really don't
have a clue about it.
I want to see the input pulse going up and down, and the output going
down and up!
In the last days I learned a lot about spice, and also got some
simulations results on ltscpice, but I really want to learn to use
gnucap, because it is freesoftware.

So I atach the netlist, in hope that some caritative soul give me the
simulations comand to get what I want.
Thank you in advance

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