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Re: FreeBSD 5.3 setup help

From: Chris Vetter
Subject: Re: FreeBSD 5.3 setup help
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:55:17 +0100 (MET)

LD wrote:
> I haven't done step 4.4 but have set the Timezone and it seems at some 
> point that a script has been added to /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ startup 
> scripts already to starts/stops gdomap and gdnc but not gpbs (but 
> seeing as I hadn't set up X11 as yet this was probably a good thing, 
> yes?)...

Yes. However, each user is supposed to start his/her own instance of
'gpbs' anyway... More on that later.

> I've then installed's X11 implementation...
> # cd /usr/ports/x11/xorg && make install clean
> ... and have created a working '/etc/X11/xorg.config' file.

I'm assuming that X11 is more or less up and running...

> But I have no idea (and there doesn't seem to be any useful 
> documentation on the website) on how to configure 
> WindowMaker and set it as the default Window Manager nor indeed how to 
> set the desktop environment to the above installed GNUstep desktop.

After installing Window Maker, log in as your regular user on a
console and run '/usr/X11R6/bin/wmaker.inst'
This will create all directories under ~HOME/GNUstep for Window
Maker. Additionally, it will create a very basic file called
~HOME/.xinitrc that launches 'wmaker'. This file is automatically
run whenever you launch X11 from a console, by running 'startx'.

If you intend to use 'xdm', edit /etc/ttys and change the line

  ttyv8   "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon"  xterm   off secure


  ttyv8   "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon"  xterm   on  secure

This will automatically launch 'xdm' whenever you reboot.

In case of using 'xdm' you have to change ~HOME/.xinitrc to
~HOME/.xsession and make sure that it's executable (AFAIK).
Of course you can also do a sym-link instead:

  $ ln -s .xinitrc .xsession
  $ chmod 700 .xinitrc

The .xinitrc file created by Window Maker is VERY basic, as 
it doesn't do anything GNUstep related.
You would need to source in GNUstep's RC file, set your environment
and launch 'gpbs'.

Attached, you will find my .xinitrc that gives some ideas what
you can do... Take a look at it and modify the first part so it
reflects your system.


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