gifThus we have obtained the Lorentz transformation for events on thex-axis. We
suppose a light-signal sent out from the origin of K at the time t= 0.
(2) The
magnitude ( radius ) of space is independent of time.
There does arise,
however, a strange difficulty. It follows from what has been said, that closed
spaces without limitsare conceivable.
at a somewhat greater distance from the
centre of the sunthan corresponds to its real position. This view is not in
harmony with the theory of Newton.
gifWe should thus have the solution of our
problem, if the constants aand b were known.
Itis in no way known how this
incongruity is to be overcome.
**The Legal Small Print**(Three
In that sense one can say, according to
Friedman,that the theory demands an expansion of space.
Despite these efforts,
the Projects eBooks and anymedium they may be on may contain Defects. You can
get up to date donation information online at:http://www. We suppose a
light-signal sent out from the origin of K at the time t= 0. It satisfies the
condition x2 - c^2t2 = x2 - c^2t2 .
You can get up to date donation information
online at:http://www. We require to find x and t when x and t are given. We
suppose a light-signal sent out from the origin of K at the time t= 0.
The Goal
of Project Gutenberg is to Give Away 1 Trillion eBooks! In this sense we can
imagine a sphericalspace.
This result is aisovalid from the standpoint of an
observer who is rotating with thedisc.
the lattice construction,considered in
Section 24.
Notes*) For the radius R of the universe we obtain the equation
At all events, a definite decision will be reached during the next
gifWe should thus have the solution of our problem, if the constants
aand b were known. from Lorentztransformations in the special sense and from
purely spatialtransformations.
Is it possible to imagine a spherical
gifIf we call v the velocity with which the origin of K1 is
movingrelative to K, we then have eq.
The stellar universe ought to be afinite
island in the infinite ocean of space.
Itpossesses a finite volume, which is
determined by its radius(2p2R3).
zip and contains numerousimage files for
It may be mentioned that there is yet another kind of curved space:
elliptical space. Notes*) For the radius R of the universe we obtain the
equation eq.
The predicted effect can be seen clearly from theaccompanying
Despite these efforts, the Projects eBooks and anymedium they may be
on may contain Defects. The Goal of Project Gutenberg is to Give Away 1
Trillion eBooks!