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Unsatisfied Link Error when compiling with g++ 3.2.3

From: Leonard Wesley
Subject: Unsatisfied Link Error when compiling with g++ 3.2.3
Date: Mon, 04 Jul 2005 20:15:28 -0700

After compiling the following code fragment into a .so file
using GNU g++ 3.2.3  I get an "unresolved reference" error
message when that .so file is loaded. I do not get this error
with earlier versions (e.g., 2.9.x) of the GNU g++  compiler.

Assume Name, DiscreteProposition, ContinuousProposition,
constructors, destructors, comparitors, n, and ctp have been
properly defined and initialized.

template<class FrameType = DiscreteProposition>
class Frame
        // Constructors
         Frame(const Name &);
         Frame(const Name &, const FrameType &); 
        // Destructor
        // comparitors
        bool operator==(Frame &);
        bool operator!=(Frame &);
        // copy
        Frame & operator=(const Frame &);
map<Name, Frame<ContinuousProposition>, less<Name> > ContinuousFrameMapping;
ContinuousProposition ctp;
Name n;
Frame<ContinuousProposition> Fx (n, ctp);
Name tag = "abc";
ContinuousFrameMapping[tag] = Fx;

The above code is compiled into a  <file name>.so   file that is part of C++
and JNI code to interface Java with native C++ code.
While Java is loading the  <file name>.so  file at runtime, the following error message
is displayed.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:  <file name>.so
<file name>.so:  undefined symbol:  _ZN5FrameI21ContinuousPropositionEaSERKS1_

The unresolved link error error seems to be related to a constructor/destructor that
is needed as a result of the  ContinuousFrameMapping[tag] = Fx;  statement.
However, I cannot figure out what needs to be defined to fix this error.
Any suggestions?


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