We are porting our application from Tru64 Unix to HPUX 11.23 (IA64).
It is 64 bit application and multi-threaded. During runtime i have seen strange behaviour of our application.
I am using g++ of version 4.0.2.
when i run my application it is dumping core at
dmn_arr<desc_obj> tobj; #line no 200
where dmn_arr is a template class and it is crashing as
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault
si_code: 1 - SEGV_MAPERR - Address not mapped to object.
0x9fffffffef7bce30:1 in dld_bor_text_entry + 0x81 ()
from /usr/lib/hpux64/dld.so
As per my understanding the error SEGV_MAPERR is it is not able to locate the template class od ( dmn_arr ).
Using gdb when i run the same application stepping each statement one by one it is working fine. if i put breakpoint directly at this statement( line 200) menetioned above again it is dumping core as above.
What could be the problem. why i am getting this error. Any help is highly appreciated.