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Wanted: Examples using SIMD instructions for 32bit cygwin and 64 Linux

From: Siegfried
Subject: Wanted: Examples using SIMD instructions for 32bit cygwin and 64 Linux
Date: 24 Jun 2006 12:43:08 -0700
User-agent: G2/0.2

I would like to try out some examples of the SIMD (vector) instructions
in g++. Can this be done in g++ 32bit/cygwin? Can this be done in g++
64 bit fedora core 4?

Are the terms SIMD, mmx and sse2 all synonymous in the context of
intell processors?

I found a nice description at but it did not mention
support in g++. I hope this document is old or incomplete!

After failing to find some good examples with google searches, I hoping
someone can point me to some 32 bit and 64bit g++ code examples I can
try out.


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