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How to build a C++ program which can run on RHEL4 without update, RHEL4

From: Bo
Subject: How to build a C++ program which can run on RHEL4 without update, RHEL4 with Update1/2/3/4?
Date: 28 Mar 2007 05:30:17 -0700
User-agent: G2/1.0

I find that my C++ program (built on RHEL4 with Update4) will segment
fault in RHEL4 with Update 3. It is strange. I check RHEL4 Update 4's
release note[1] and it has the following C++ related updates:
gcc-c++-3.4.5-2 => gcc-c++-3.4.6-3
libstdc++-3.4.5-2 => libstdc++-3.4.6-3

My questions are:
1. How to build a C++ program to run on RHEL4, RHEL4 with
I guess the answer is 'build C++ program on RHEL 4 without Update',
not 'build C++ program on RHEL 4 with Update4', because libstdc++ is
back-compatible, not fore-compatible.
Am I right?

2. I had assumed that there was no compatibility issue between RHEL 4
Update 3 and 4. But I was wrong.
Do you have any similar experience (C++ compatibility issue between
RHEL 4 Update 3 and Update 4)?


1. RHEL4 Update 4 Release Note.

Best Regards,
Xie, Bo

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