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Re: g++ HELP compiling a C++ program!!

From: derrick_chi
Subject: Re: g++ HELP compiling a C++ program!!
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 10:57:07 -0700
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Aug 30, 12:48 pm, wrote:
> Hello All
> I'm new to the forum, and I have a problem I hope you guys can help me
> with. I have pasted some code below which I am trying to compile using
> sde-lite on my linux box, and I am having one hell of a time trying to
> do so. Can someone please take a look and the code and the compile
> messages I get and tell me whats wrong, I've been at this for weeks
> now, help me please!
> Messages from the compile shown below. Its seems to be indicating that
> there some incorrect paths to directories that I am missing.
> The actual directories its mentions below are located in /sde-5.03/
> sde6/include/c++/3.4.4. How can I correct this problem?
> #include<ciso646>
> #include<cmath>
> #include<iomanip>
> #include<iostream>
> unsigned int GCD_FUNCT( unsigned int, unsigned int );
> int main() {
> unsigned int ARRAY[32], GCD[16];
> unsigned int Loop_Control_V, Reg1, Reg2, new_value;
> for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 31; ++ i ) {
> new_value = i + ( 3 * (4) );
> if ( new_value % 2 != 0 ) {
> new_value = new_value * 4;
> }
> else{
> new_value = new_value * 10;
> }
> ARRAY[i] = new_value;
> }
> Loop_Control_V = 0;
> while ( Loop_Control_V < 30 ) {
> if ( ARRAY[Loop_Control_V] > ARRAY[Loop_Control_V + 1] ) {
> Reg1 = ARRAY[Loop_Control_V];
> Reg2 = ARRAY[Loop_Control_V + 1];
> }
> else {
> Reg1 = ARRAY[Loop_Control_V + 1];
> Reg2 = ARRAY[Loop_Control_V];
> }
> GCD[Loop_Control_V] = GCD_FUNCT(Reg1,Reg2);
> Loop_Control_V = Loop_Control_V + 1;
> }
> return 0;
> }
> unsigned int GCD_FUNCT( unsigned int REGa, unsigned int REGb) {
> unsigned int temp1, temp2, GCD;
> temp1 = REGa;
> temp2 = REGb;
> while ( temp1 != temp2 ) {
> if ( temp1 > temp2 ) {
> temp1 = temp1 - temp2;}
> else {
> temp2 = temp2 - temp1;}
> }
> GCD = temp1;
> return GCD;
> }
> sde-cpp -v -mtune=r2k -T ph.ld -O2 GCD.cpp -o GCD.bin
> Messages from the compile shown below. Its seems to be indicating that
> there some incorrect paths to directories that I am missing the
> directories it mentions below are located in /sde-5.03/sde6/include/c+
> +/3.4.4. How can I correct this problem?
> Reading specs from /accts/ddwashin/Engineering_Projects/sde-5.03/
> bin/../lib/gcc/sde/3.4.4/specs
> Configured with: /var/tmp/releasetool.tmp/bank-20070420-1231/B-i386-
> linux/toolchain/mipssde-6.06.01/configure --target=sde --prefix=/usr/
> local/sde6 --enable-languages=c,c++ --without-newlib --disable-shared
> --disable-nls --disable-tui --disable-multilib
> Thread model: mipssde
> gcc version 3.4.4 mipssde-6.06.01-20070420
> /accts/ddwashin/Engineering_Projects/sde-5.03/bin/../libexec/gcc/sde/
> 3.4.4/cc1plus -E -quiet -v -iprefix /accts/ddwashin/
> Engineering_Projects/sde-5.03/bin/../lib/gcc/sde/3.4.4/ GCD.cpp -o
> GCD.bin -mtune=r2k -O2
> ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/local/sde6/include/c++/3.4.4"
> ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/local/sde6/include/c++/3.4.4/sde"
> ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/local/sde6/include/c++/3.4.4/
> backward"
> ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/local/sde6/lib/gcc/sde/3.4.4/
> include"
> ignoring nonexistent directory "/var/tmp/releasetool.tmp/
> bank-20070420-1231/B-i386-linux/toolchain-build/sde/include"
> ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/local/sde6/sde/include"
> #include "..." search starts here:
> #include <...> search starts here:
> /accts/ddwashin/Engineering_Projects/sde-5.03/bin/../lib/gcc/sde/
> 3.4.4/../../../../include/c++/3.4.4
> /accts/ddwashin/Engineering_Projects/sde-5.03/bin/../lib/gcc/sde/
> 3.4.4/../../../../include/c++/3.4.4/sde
> /accts/ddwashin/Engineering_Projects/sde-5.03/bin/../lib/gcc/sde/
> 3.4.4/../../../../include/c++/3.4.4/backward
> /accts/ddwashin/Engineering_Projects/sde-5.03/bin/../lib/gcc/sde/
> 3.4.4/
> include
> /accts/ddwashin/Engineering_Projects/sde-5.03/bin/../lib/gcc/sde/
> 3.4.4/../../../../sde/include
> End of search list.
> GCD.cpp:76:3: warning: no newline at end of file

  I am using the following command sde-g++ -v -mtune=r2k -T ph.ld -O2
GCD.cpp -o GCD.bin, and I am having no success but if I remove
iostream the compile will run fine, the problem is that I do not
believe its creating the right mips-elf file when I look at the
assembler code from the disassembler list the code doesn't appear to
work right,  following the code line by line I see mistakes that will
eventually lead to infinite loops and the c++ code I wrote is fine it
compiles in DEV C++ and runs fine but the code produced by g++ that I
am testing on my processor more than likly will not work because I
don't believe it was  done correctly by the linker and compiler and I
believe its because I have to remove iostream.  What do you guys
think?  The Disassemebleed code is shown below, with the compile
commands I used to get the result.

sde-g++ -mtune=r2k -T ph.ld -O2 GCD.cpp -o GCD.bin
sde-objdump --disassemble --line-numbers --source GCD.bin >

GCD.bin:     file format elf32-tradbigmips

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__do_global_dtors_aux>:
   0:   27bdffe0        addiu   sp,sp,-32
   4:   afb10014        sw      s1,20(sp)
   8:   3c110001        lui     s1,0x1
   c:   92220020        lbu     v0,32(s1)
  10:   afbf0018        sw      ra,24(sp)
  14:   14400012        bnez    v0,60 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x60>
  18:   afb00010        sw      s0,16(sp)
  1c:   10000004        b       30 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x30>
  20:   3c100001        lui     s0,0x1
  24:   24c50004        addiu   a1,a2,4
  28:   0060f809        jalr    v1
  2c:   ae050008        sw      a1,8(s0)
  30:   8e040008        lw      a0,8(s0)
  34:   8c830000        lw      v1,0(a0)
  38:   1460fffa        bnez    v1,24 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x24>
  3c:   8e060008        lw      a2,8(s0)
  40:   3c070000        lui     a3,0x0
  44:   24e30000        addiu   v1,a3,0
  48:   10600003        beqz    v1,58 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x58>
  4c:   3c080001        lui     t0,0x1
  50:   0c000000        jal     0 <__do_global_dtors_aux>
  54:   25040000        addiu   a0,t0,0
  58:   24090001        li      t1,1
  5c:   a2290020        sb      t1,32(s1)
  60:   8fbf0018        lw      ra,24(sp)
  64:   8fb10014        lw      s1,20(sp)
  68:   8fb00010        lw      s0,16(sp)
  6c:   03e00008        jr      ra
  70:   27bd0020        addiu   sp,sp,32

00000074 <frame_dummy>:
  74:   3c030000        lui     v1,0x0
  78:   27bdffe8        addiu   sp,sp,-24
  7c:   3c040001        lui     a0,0x1
  80:   3c050001        lui     a1,0x1
  84:   24620000        addiu   v0,v1,0
  88:   afbf0010        sw      ra,16(sp)
  8c:   24840000        addiu   a0,a0,0
  90:   10400003        beqz    v0,a0 <frame_dummy+0x2c>
  94:   24a50024        addiu   a1,a1,36
  98:   0c000000        jal     0 <__do_global_dtors_aux>
  9c:   00000000        nop
  a0:   3c040001        lui     a0,0x1
  a4:   8c86001c        lw      a2,28(a0)
  a8:   10c00008        beqz    a2,cc <frame_dummy+0x58>
  ac:   8fbf0010        lw      ra,16(sp)
  b0:   3c080000        lui     t0,0x0
  b4:   25070000        addiu   a3,t0,0
  b8:   10e00004        beqz    a3,cc <frame_dummy+0x58>
  bc:   2484001c        addiu   a0,a0,28
  c0:   8fbf0010        lw      ra,16(sp)
  c4:   08000000        j       0 <__do_global_dtors_aux>
  c8:   27bd0018        addiu   sp,sp,24
  cc:   03e00008        jr      ra
  d0:   27bd0018        addiu   sp,sp,24

000000d4 <_Z9GCD_FUNCTjj>:
  d4:   10850007        beq     a0,a1,f4 <_Z9GCD_FUNCTjj+0x20>
  d8:   00000000        nop
  dc:   00a4102b        sltu    v0,a1,a0
  e0:   10400006        beqz    v0,fc <_Z9GCD_FUNCTjj+0x28>
  e4:   00000000        nop
  e8:   00852023        subu    a0,a0,a1
  ec:   1485fffb        bne     a0,a1,dc <_Z9GCD_FUNCTjj+0x8>
  f0:   00000000        nop
  f4:   03e00008        jr      ra
  f8:   00801021        move    v0,a0
  fc:   1000fff5        b       d4 <_Z9GCD_FUNCTjj>
 100:   00a42823        subu    a1,a1,a0

00000104 <main>:
 104:   27bdff20        addiu   sp,sp,-224
 108:   27a80010        addiu   t0,sp,16
 10c:   afbf00d8        sw      ra,216(sp)
 110:   afb100d4        sw      s1,212(sp)
 114:   afb000d0        sw      s0,208(sp)
 118:   00002821        move    a1,zero
 11c:   01003021        move    a2,t0
 120:   24a2000c        addiu   v0,a1,12
 124:   00021880        sll     v1,v0,0x2
 128:   24a50001        addiu   a1,a1,1
 12c:   30440001        andi    a0,v0,0x1
 130:   00621821        addu    v1,v1,v0
 134:   2ca7001f        sltiu   a3,a1,31
 138:   14800002        bnez    a0,144 <main+0x40>
 13c:   00021080        sll     v0,v0,0x2
 140:   00031040        sll     v0,v1,0x1
 144:   acc20000        sw      v0,0(a2)
 148:   14e0fff5        bnez    a3,120 <main+0x1c>
 14c:   24c60004        addiu   a2,a2,4
 150:   01008021        move    s0,t0
 154:   2411001d        li      s1,29
 158:   8e060000        lw      a2,0(s0)
 15c:   8e030004        lw      v1,4(s0)
 160:   2631ffff        addiu   s1,s1,-1
 164:   0066382b        sltu    a3,v1,a2
 168:   00c02021        move    a0,a2
 16c:   14e00003        bnez    a3,17c <main+0x78>
 170:   00602821        move    a1,v1
 174:   00602021        move    a0,v1
 178:   00c02821        move    a1,a2
 17c:   0c000035        jal     d4 <_Z9GCD_FUNCTjj>
 180:   00000000        nop
 184:   ae020080        sw      v0,128(s0)
 188:   0621fff3        bgez    s1,158 <main+0x54>
 18c:   26100004        addiu   s0,s0,4
 190:   8fbf00d8        lw      ra,216(sp)
 194:   8fb100d4        lw      s1,212(sp)
 198:   8fb000d0        lw      s0,208(sp)
 19c:   00001021        move    v0,zero
 1a0:   03e00008        jr      ra
 1a4:   27bd00e0        addiu   sp,sp,224

000001a8 <__do_global_ctors_aux>:
 1a8:   27bdffe0        addiu   sp,sp,-32
 1ac:   3c040001        lui     a0,0x1
 1b0:   afb00010        sw      s0,16(sp)
 1b4:   24820010        addiu   v0,a0,16
 1b8:   afbf0018        sw      ra,24(sp)
 1bc:   afb10014        sw      s1,20(sp)
 1c0:   8c44fffc        lw      a0,-4(v0)
 1c4:   2403ffff        li      v1,-1
 1c8:   10830008        beq     a0,v1,1ec <__do_global_ctors_aux+0x44>
 1cc:   2450fffc        addiu   s0,v0,-4
 1d0:   00801021        move    v0,a0
 1d4:   2411ffff        li      s1,-1
 1d8:   0040f809        jalr    v0
 1dc:   2610fffc        addiu   s0,s0,-4
 1e0:   8e020000        lw      v0,0(s0)
 1e4:   1451fffc        bne     v0,s1,1d8 <__do_global_ctors_aux+0x30>
 1e8:   00000000        nop
 1ec:   8fbf0018        lw      ra,24(sp)
 1f0:   8fb10014        lw      s1,20(sp)
 1f4:   8fb00010        lw      s0,16(sp)
 1f8:   03e00008        jr      ra
 1fc:   27bd0020        addiu   sp,sp,32
Disassembly of section .init:

00000200 <_init>:
 200:   27bdffe0        addiu   sp,sp,-32
 204:   afbf0014        sw      ra,20(sp)
 208:   0c00001d        jal     74 <frame_dummy>
 20c:   00000000        nop
 210:   0c00006a        jal     1a8 <__do_global_ctors_aux>
 214:   00000000        nop
 218:   8fbf0014        lw      ra,20(sp)
 21c:   03e00008        jr      ra
 220:   27bd0020        addiu   sp,sp,32
Disassembly of section .fini:

00000224 <_fini>:
 224:   27bdffe0        addiu   sp,sp,-32
 228:   afbf0014        sw      ra,20(sp)
 22c:   0c000000        jal     0 <__do_global_dtors_aux>
 230:   00000000        nop
 234:   8fbf0014        lw      ra,20(sp)
 238:   03e00008        jr      ra
 23c:   27bd0020        addiu   sp,sp,32

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