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Re: Can single-threaded gcc be used for writing multi-threaded apps?

From: Viatly
Subject: Re: Can single-threaded gcc be used for writing multi-threaded apps?
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 14:28:47 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Jan 17, 10:34 pm, arahne <> wrote:
> Viatly wrote:
> > I 'd like to know whether single-threaded gcc can be used for:
> > 1. Writing multithreaded C app ( gcc file.c -pthread ).
> > 2. Writing multithreaded C++ app ( g++ file.cpp -pthread ).
> Short answer: YES.

However the fact that gcc is single-threaded means that gcc was build
with --enable-threads option off; this option enables C++ exception
handling for multi-threaded code. Does it mean that I should not use
exceptions in C++ code? But even if I don't myself, some parts of the
standard library could do it, e.g. new() throws  bad_alloc.
Also, how could you comment this:
4. All C++ code compiled by gcc 3.X configured with --disable-threads.
   The final program is actually multi-threaded.

Undetectably broken.  It might work, or it might not, on any
particular run.  The most basic problem is that C++ exception handling
will not work properly.  Up the stack from there, standard C++ library
resources might get trashed.
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