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Re: gdb backtrace for g++ programs showing ?? symbol

From: naam . yaad . nahin
Subject: Re: gdb backtrace for g++ programs showing ?? symbol
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:47:43 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Feb 24, 10:40 pm, Paul Pluzhnikov <>
> Naam Nahin <> writes:
> > To get the debug version of libstdc++,
> > I installed the debug library and passed in -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG as
> > a command line parameter.
> Installed where?

The debug versions are installed under /usr/lib/debug.

> > Any suggestions to tackle this problem would be very helpful ...
> You are asking a lot of questions, but omitting all relevant details.
> I suggest you read this:
> and ask again.

And here I was asking questions after reading the above ... :-)

Anyway, I recognize that my questions were too vague. The full details
are too complicated (at least for me) and I am therefore trying to
reproduce the behavior using a simpler test case.

However, I had seen that gcc 2.96 had some problems with handling
exceptions. I was therefore wondering what were the exact problems
(since the Redhat Errata is too vague) and whether anyone in this
group had seen/known the specific gcc 2.96 problem.

Naam Nahin

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