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I have troubles with GCC 4.3.3 installation

From: amrollahi . saeed
Subject: I have troubles with GCC 4.3.3 installation
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 05:43:19 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

Dear all

I am Saeed Amrollahi. I am a C++ programmer for a decade. I use Visual
C++ under Windows and GNU GCC under Linux.
I want to use the new features of C++0x like concepts, tuples, regex,
threads, etc.
I decided to instal GCC 4.3.3 on my Linux.
Unfortunately, it was very difficult for me. Although I have a
relatively good knowledge about Unix/Linux, but I can't install the
and the main GCC program. In all cases I followed the GCC instruction
(in the GCC pages):

 1. Prerequisites
 2. Downloading the source
 3. Configuration
 4. Building
 5. Testing (optional)
 6. Final install

I follow the traditional procedure: "./configure", then "make" and
"make install" for prerequisites and main program (core GCC and g++

The configure phase goes well but in making programs I run into almost
same problems. For example in installing Autogen program, I encounter
the following errors:
undefined reference to 'SCM_ROCHARS'
collect 2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [autogen] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

or in installing PPL (Parma Polyhedra Library), I encounter the
following errors (in make phase):

warning: undefined _SMC_LIMIT_MACROS
make[6] ***[] Error1
make[5]: Leaving directory ...
make[1]: Leaving directory ...
make: ***[all] Error 2

I searched on Google about the problem and I really lost a lot of
time. I want a detailed guide about installing GCC.
Please help me.
Iuse Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 5.0 on Intel Celeron 2.93 GHz

In advance, I appreciate you for your comments.

  -- Saeed Amrollahi

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