At Thu, 4 Dec 2008 08:16:38 -0800 (PST),
ghadir mohammadkhani wrote:
I want to integrate with Monte-Carlo method, but the limits of
integration aren't independent, for example in integral \int
f(x,y,z)dx dy dz, x goes from -2 to 2 , y varies from -(2-x*x)^(0.5)
until (2-x*x)^(0.5), the lower and upper limits in z are,
respectively -(2-x*x-y*y)^(0.5) and (2-x*x-y*y)^(0.5). I don't know
that how must change my program, i.e in the main of the example
program with the Monte-Carlo routine, double xl[3] = { , , } and
double xu[3] = { , , } how must be modified?
Where possible, make a change of variables (analytically) so that the
limits of the new coordinates are independent.