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Re: Ganeti with Guix tutorial from the Guix blog post

From: david larsson
Subject: Re: Ganeti with Guix tutorial from the Guix blog post
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2020 21:28:31 +0200

On 2020-09-26 16:23, Marius Bakke wrote:
david larsson <> writes:


First of all - thanks for a great post about using Ganeti with Guix!
Thanks.  :-)

I need some help with the networking setup part since I am stuck at the end stages of the blog post tutorial - I am unable to run "gnt-instance
console <someVM>". So, I have things setup enough to create these VM's
successfully but I can't ping the hosts or connect to them using
gnt-instance console <someVM>. Any ideas what the issue might be?
If the serial console is not responding (i.e. pressing RET does not 
a login screen appear), it is likely the instance has failed to boot.  
typical cause is lack of bootloader.  In that case the instance will 
100% of a core reading the same virtual disk sector over and over...
This happens for the busterVM1 that I created as in the tutorial. Do you 
have any suggestion on how to verify that no bootloader is installed and 
how to install it?
By the way, is it possible to use drbd for a Guix instance VM?

You can configure a SPICE server with "gnt-instance modify -H
kvm:spice_bind=" and connect remotely with 'spicy' (from
spice-gtk) to the host IP and the allocated instance port (gnt-instance
info foo | grep port).  Then you should be able to see what QEMU is up
I did this and indeed busterVM1 has just stopped on the Seabios boot 
screen. Grub is not loaded.
Clues may also be found in
I only guix+default files in that folder, nothing for debootstrap+buster

One thing I noticed was that the arp -n output are giving me
"(incomplete)" listings in the "HWaddress" column (arp from the
net-tools package), which IMU means that ethernet/layer2 frames are not
passed around correctly - usually meaning that bridges aren't setup
properly, right? This applies to the lan address and the
ip address assigned to the VM hosts which I manually set to instead of ip=pool as in the example. My local network is
setup to use addresses.
It could be useful to see the relevant system configuration, as well as
output of 'ovs-vsctl show' and 'gnt-instance info the-instance' (and
maybe also 'gnt-network info').
I worked it out, and I can now ssh into the guix1 VM, like 
this(presenting it here for posterity if it helps someone):
  - This I had already done: interface name was enp0s25 instead of eth0 
in my case (ip link show)
  - mac-address needed fixed in my case since the 2 cluster members had 
the same address, and then restart the networking service. (ip link set 
enp0s25 address ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef && herd restart networking)
  - I also had to open ports in my router between the cluster nodes - 
port 22 tcp for SSH and for the ganeti stuff the ports 
  - I made sure to generate the root user's SSH key before creating the 
guix+default cluster node to have ssh access to the node itself.
  - I had to manually create the path /srv/ganeti/file-storage

- I had some issue creating the guix+default cluster node with recent commits (possibly a bug), and had to resort to an old commit close in time to the blog post - I picked -O "commit=7e6df0e99305c800a24b9217776f8b75dad3bab9" from July 19th which worked.
Thanks for your help so far!

I think it would be great if blog posts like these had comments enabled, so that people trying to follow a tutorial would be able to discuss and
help eachother directly on the blog post page.
That is an interesting suggestion.  The blog is entirely static, but
perhaps we could link in a mailing list or something (no joke!).  :-)
That sounds nice.

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