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using dpkg-deb in a Guix package definition

From: Benjamin Slade
Subject: using dpkg-deb in a Guix package definition
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2022 11:48:55 -0600
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.10; emacs 28.1.50

Hello Guix,

I've been using this package [ 
 ] from Nix on top of Guix System, but I'd like to create my own Guix package 
for it instead. Are there any good examples of writing a Guix package 
definition using dpkg?


'(Dr Benjamin Slade (he/him)
     ((Linguistics . University of Utah) . <> )
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       ((:official-mail . <>)
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     (:website . <> )
       "sent by [mu4e] 1.6.10 in [Emacs] 28.1.50 with [org-msg] on [GNU Guix]")

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