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Re: Guix system image record with a large root partition

From: Christoph Buck
Subject: Re: Guix system image record with a large root partition
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:44:31 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.0; emacs 30.0.50


> This hasn't been merged, but there was a patch proposed for a
> resize-fs-service that would resize the partition on boot.
> Maybe worth taking a look at?

This is indeed very helpfull. I was already looking for an option like
this in guix. Thanks for pointing me to this patch.

I build system images for the rpi4, which are booted from a ssd
hdd. Before using guix, i used nix, where an option to resize
the partition on first boot is avaialble.

I was about to ask on this list how the same behavior can be achieved in

Best regards


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