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Re: dhcp-client default gateway with multiple interfaces, race condition

From: Felix Lechner
Subject: Re: dhcp-client default gateway with multiple interfaces, race condition?
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 11:10:40 -0700

Hi Richard,

On Fri, Jun 14 2024, Richard Sent wrote:

> the default gateway isn't pointing towards the internet-routable
> gateway

The traditional answer has been that our dhclient service doesn't work
very well.  I had similar issues two years ago and, lacking time, simply
went with network-manager or connman.  Now, however, I took a look.

I'm not sure what causes the discrepancy.  Guix reads the contents of
/proc/net/dev (in syscalls.scm) in a deterministic fashion so the error
isn't in how we invoke 'dhclient'.

I believe the 'dhcp-configuration' is not quite sophisticated enough so
you may have to use the config-file option and include this content:

    # Assign this interface an IP address only.
    # (This disables setting the gateway router, DNS, domain, etc.)
    interface "eth1" {
      request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, interface-mtu;

That idea came from here. [1] It could also be enough to use the
'nogateway' option as suggested in the link you posted already. [2]

I am just trying to help and did not try any of this. No warranties.

Kind regards


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