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Re: What else could set the GUIX_PROFILE variable?

From: Nils Landt
Subject: Re: What else could set the GUIX_PROFILE variable?
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:50:03 +0200 (CEST)

> Adam McCartney via <> hat am 22.06.2024 08:33 CEST 
> geschrieben:
> Hi Guix,
> Does something set the GUIX_PROFILE variable to $HOME/.guix-home/profile by 
> deafault?
> So I've been scratching my head about this today. It may be obvious to someone
> else what is happening. I'm running guix ad a foreign distro on a number of 
> machines, others are guix system on one. Some use a profile that exists in 
> '~/.guix-home/profile' others rely on 
> '.guix-extra-profiles/$(hostname)/$(hostname)'. 
> I realize that the problem goes away if I remove the control block. So maybe 
> it's just a logic error on my part. I'd still like to know what is setting 
> the 
> GUIX_PROFILE to $HOME/.guix-home/profile when I launch tmux.

The installer adds /etc/profile.d/ which, among other things, sets 

But I don't know why this happens with tmux and not your regular shell session.

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