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Add path to a guix package into CMakeLists.txt

From: Aristide Doussot
Subject: Add path to a guix package into CMakeLists.txt
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 17:44:26 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird


    I am new with Guix and currently Guixifying an astronomical library (called Wsclean) which directly includes some code from another library (namely aocommon) that is already on guix astronomy.scm. In the CMakeLists.txt of the library I am trying to install, I want to change the line:


into the already installed guix version of aocommon, in my case it would be :


However I don't think other users installing the package would mandatorily have "/gnu/store/1wiw8m5yjcr26pcqhzbh7bw5ghvbaw90-aocommon-0.0.0-1.7329a07" as their path to their installed guix version of aocommon. My question is therefore : is there a way to ask guix to find this path based on the name of the dependency and use it in my substitute* command on the CMakeLists file ?

Aristide Doussot

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