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Re: ABI mismatch on boot on arm32 system

From: Maxim Cournoyer
Subject: Re: ABI mismatch on boot on arm32 system
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2024 20:50:44 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Hi Christoph,

Sorry for my delayed reply.

Christoph Buck <> writes:

> Hi Guix!
> So i looked into the guile source code and, as expected, the `scm_hash`
> function (see hash.c in guile) uses `unsigned long` wich is 8 bytes on
> x64 and 4 bytes on arm32/i868. If `string-hash` is called with the size
> parameter `n`, the hash value is limited to size by calculating the
> modulo `n` of the hash value, see scm_ihash in hash.c:440, namely
>> (unsigned long) scm_raw_ihash (obj, 10) % n
> (The `10` can be ignored as far as i can tell). Since the hash values
> are different on different platforms the modulo is different as well.
> However, if one steps through the call stack of `string-hash` you can
> see that the actual hash value is calculated by the
> `JENKINS_LOOKUP3_HASHWORD2` macro, which contains are rather
> interesting comment and a possible workaround for the abi problem,
> namely
> /* Scheme can access symbol-hash, which exposes this value.  For    \
>    cross-compilation reasons, we ensure that the high 32 bits of    \
>    the hash on a 64-bit system are equal to the hash on a 32-bit    \
>    system.  The low 32 bits just add more entropy.  */              \
> if (sizeof (ret) == 8)                                              \
>     ret = (((unsigned long) c) << 32) | b;                          \
> else                                                                \
>     ret = c;                                                        \
> in hash.c:82.
> Meaning, if executed on a x64 platform, the higher 32bit of the
> resulting 64bit hash result are equal to the hash value on a 32bit
> platform. A simple test case in c++ looks like this:
> int main(int args, char** argv)
> {
>     scm_init_guile();
>     auto strToHash = scm_from_locale_string ("((device) (mount-point))");
>     auto maxULong = scm_from_ulong(ULONG_MAX);
>     auto hashResult = scm_hash(strToHash,maxULong);
>     auto hashResultUL = scm_to_ulong(hashResult);
>     std::cout << "Max ULONG_MAX: " << ULONG_MAX <<std::endl;
>     std::cout << "Original hashResult ulong: " << hashResultUL << std::endl;
>     if(sizeof(hashResultUL) == 8)
>     {
>         std::cout << "Corrected for 32bit: " << (hashResultUL >> 32) << 
> std::endl;
>     }
> }
> which results on x64 in
>> Max ULONG_MAX: 18446744073709551615
>> Original hashResult ulong: 10454028974864831
>> Corrected for 32bit: 2434018
> and on arm32 to
>> Max ULONG_MAX: 4294967295
>> Original hashResult ulong: 2434018
> This suggest the following workaround. Always limit the hash size to
> 32bit even if executed on a 64bit platform (or to be more specific a
> platform where ulong is 8bytes big). Do this by right shift the hash
> value 32bits and don't rely on the size parameter of the `string-hash`
> function.
> In code it could look something like this
> (define (compute-abi-cookie field-specs)
>     ;; Compute an "ABI cookie" for the given FIELD-SPECS.  We use
>     ;; 'string-hash' because that's a better hash function that 'hash' on a
>     ;; list of symbols.
>     (let ((hash
>            (syntax-case field-specs ()
>              (((field get properties ...) ...)
>               (let ((hash-value (string-hash (object->string
>                                               (syntax->datum #'((field 
> properties ...) ...))))))
>                 (if (= (native-word-size) 8)
>                     (ash hash-value -32)
>                     hash-value)))))
>           (fd (syntax-case field-specs ()
>                 (((field get properties ...) ...)
>                  (object->string
>                   (syntax->datum #'((field properties ...) ...)))))))
>       (format #t "Compute-abi-cookie: ~a~%" hash)
>       hash))
> where `native-word-size` is define by 
> (define (native-word-size)
>   ((@ (system foreign) sizeof) '*))

This is a thorough investigation, and the above fix/workaround that can
be applied to Guix is the cherry on the cake!  Thank you for producing

> (taken from `cross-compilation.test`). There might be a cleaner way to
> formulate this, but you get the point.
> This seems to work for all combinations on my machine. I tested
> x64 -> arm, x64 -> i868, i868 -> x64...
> I can only think of two drawbacks.
> 1) Lost entropy on 64 bit machines
> 2) Abi break because on new compilation the hash values on 64bit
>    platforms will change.
> 1) is imho irrelevant, because it is not cryptophically important. For
> 2) i am not sure how important this is.
> Any thoughts on this?

I don't think 1 or 2 are too important; about 2 for example, we break
the ABI every time we add or remove a new record field.

> Might this be something worth fixing and sending a patch in?

Totally, if you haven't done so already.


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