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Re: simple question about copying in the terminal

From: Arnaud Daby-Seesaram
Subject: Re: simple question about copying in the terminal
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 15:32:59 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.8; emacs 29.4


gfp <> writes:

> I have got this stout in my bash shell
> GUIX_PROFILE="/home/gfp/.guix-profile"
>      . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"
> My question was:
> how can I get back to the 3rd and 4th last line
> copy/kill it and paste/yank it without mouse
> so that I can set the variables?

As other answers said, it is terminal dependent.  Here is a suggestion
if your terminal does not allow you to copy/paste with keyboard

Run your command in a terminal multiplexer (e.g. tmux).  Then, use
shortcuts from the terminal multiplexer to move around, copy and paste

Example in tmux (see man tmux):

1. enter the "copy mode",
   Keybinding: look for "Enter copy mode" in the man page.

2. move to the G of "GUIX_PROFILE=",
   Keybinding: in emacs mode, you can use the arrow keys.

3. start selecting code,
   Keybinding: look for "begin-selection".

4. move to the end of the second line,

5. copy the text and exit the copy mode,
   Keybinding: look for "copy-selection-and-cancel".

6. paste the text.
   Keybinding: look for "paste-buffer".

Note: actual keybindings may depend on your tmux configuration (if any)
      and on whether you are in emacs mode or vi mode.  This is why I
      did not include any actual keybinding above.

Best regards,


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