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Re: Sharing examples for (info) Viewing Bugs within Emacs

From: Simon Tournier
Subject: Re: Sharing examples for (info) Viewing Bugs within Emacs
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 17:37:39 +0100


On Thu, 20 Feb 2025 at 09:47, Nicolas Graves <> wrote:

> - the last 50 pending bugs

M-x debbugs-gnu-bugs RET -50 RET

But!  Some very recently closed issues are listed.  Hum?!

Worse, somehow, I get more than ’guix’ and ’guix-patches’… It also shows
ones from Emacs.  As if ’debbugs-gnu-default-packages’ was not correctly
honored.  Hum?!

> - the last 50 bugs with no responses / a single participant

I do not know.  Instead I use Emacs-Notmuch. ;-)

I mean it tags “old” thread with single participant.  There is some
false positive: the replies that breaks the thread.  Well, “old” is
between 2 weeks and 2 months.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
info "Catch email still alone"
for thread in $($notmuch search              \
                         tag:Guix       and  \
                         not tag:vdone  and  \
                         date:-63d..-14d and \
                         not tag:Missed      \
                     | grep '\[1/1\]' | cut -f1 -d' ')
    $notmuch tag +Missed $thread
for thread in $($notmuch search tag:Missed \
                    | grep -v '\[1/1\]' | cut -f1 -d' ')
    $notmuch tag -Missed $thread
$notmuch tag -Missed tag:Missed and tag:vdone
$notmuch tag -Missed tag:Missed and not date:-64d..
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

> - the last 50 untagged pending bugs

What do you mean by untagged?

> - the last 50 bugs that are reviewed-looks-good

M-x debbugs-gnu-usertags RET

then it displays:

        guix          build-system
        guix          core-updates
        guix          coreutils
        guix          cross-compilation
        guix          does-not-apply
        guix          escalated-review-request
        guix          for-core-updates
        guix          patch
        guix          patch-review-hackers-list
        guix          powerpc64le-linux
        guix          reproducibility
        guix          reviewed-looks-good
        guix          under-review
        guix          v1 3 0
        guix          waiting-on-contributor
        guix-patches  for-core-updates
        guix-patches  reviewed-looks-good

and I hit one or the other reviewed-looks-good.

However, it opens all the issues, even the closed ones.  But I guess,
the open ones will be on the top. :-)

> ...

Well, Debbugs.el provides some helpers to query the Debbugs instance.
However, it’s very slow.  I think Mumi also does nice stuff and expose
handy API but I’ve never looked into it.

Somehow, all this depends on the output of “Migrating repositories,
issues, and patches to Codeberg” [1].

If the all (patches and bugs) are moved to Codeberg, then all that
becomes useless, no?  Bah on my personal side, FWIW, if all (patches and
bugs) are moved to Codeberg, then I’ll stop to reply and/or comment
until I find the same (offline) comfort as I have with Emacs+Notmuch and
piem.el and co.  And nothing in this area does even the first 1% [2] of
my comfort …to my knowledge…


1: [GCD] Migrating repositories, issues, and patches to Codeberg
Ludovic Courtès <>
Tue, 28 Jan 2025 15:33:26 +0100

2: I’ve put my hand into fj.el, FWIW.

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