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Next Guix Social - Thursday 27th February

From: Steve George
Subject: Next Guix Social - Thursday 27th February
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2025 11:58:44 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hi All,

The first Guix Social of 2025 is next Thursday (27th), so we can just sneak one in during February! [0]

I'm going to give an entry level talk about trying out Guix System in a VM. So if you have tips on getting started with Guix System, tricks you've learnt or you have questions about Guix System please bring them along!

As usual we'd love more talks from the Guix Community, whether they are long or short and at any level of expertise. If you'd like to share something about Linux, Guix, Scheme and your experiences please get in touch!


Steve / Futurile (on behalf of the Guix Social team)

[0] Yes I realise the page is mistitled and if anyone has a contact at Libreplanet who can give me permission to change page titles I'd love to know!

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